This can be a great week to focus on anything which gives us a greater sense of serenity and security. This could be spending time in nature or in the comfort of our homes. Family strands are also positively boosted too. Expect surprise visitors and invitations! In love, look to comfront cozy routines that have lead to boredom. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign WC 26th June 2023, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may be in a rebellious mood, and could avoid taking the sensible route to accomplishing your plans. And yet as the emphasis shifts to family-orientated Cancer and your home zone, another side of you can be keen to avoid trouble and be eager to keep things on a secure footing. Allow for both, Aries. Find a positive way to let off steam and enjoy a little pampering too.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be too on edge to think clearly early on, so avoid shortcuts or impulsive moves, especially if they're connected with home DIY projects. Later in the week, the Sun and Mercury's alignment with Saturn could be your saving grace, as you'll plan for all eventualities. This is also a good week for networking as well as for reunions that might bring joy and healing.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
In an antsy mood? It could disrupt the start of the week and cause ripples that affect the rest of it. A desire to do anything except what you're supposed to, might mean you avoid tackling jobs or other key responsibilities. And yet it may be the realization that you can lose out that encourages you to be sensible and make a move. You'll be so relieved once you get ahead.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your cash could seem to vanish into thin air at the start of the week, when a Mars/Uranus angle can find you splurging as a way to ease acute restlessness. Worried it's going too fast? Hold back, as you may regret being so impulsive. Plus, Mercury joins the Sun in your sign, which can enhance self-expression. When it comes to bold ideas, you'll be both creative and practical.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Don't take risks with your career or business, as it isn't worth it. If you feel an urge to do something drastic as a shortcut to success, don't! You could end up further away than when you started. What may assist is careful planning linked to your deepest, most heartfelt desires. What do you really want? If you can answer that, you'll solve one of your most pressing problems, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Mercury joins the Sun in your social sector, so this week looks exciting while bringing options to connect with new people. If you've been thinking of a reunion, this might be the ideal time to arrange one. Try to book any events later in the week rather than earlier, as an edgy link between Mars and Uranus isn't great for social events, and people could be unreliable or too boisterous.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Sun continues in a prominent zone, and as Mercury joins it, you'll be ready to put the word out about your talents and abilities. And yet you could also come unstuck early on, as a restless Mars/Uranus link may coincide with an issue involving a friend or social group. Go easy Libra, and avoid doing anything on the spur of the moment that might upset your plans for the week.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Take care at the start of the week, as a snap decision based on impatience and a desire for instant change could come back to bite you. If you're feeling frazzled, this isn't the best time to do anything important, as it won't be to the best of your ability. Later in the week you'll be ready to embrace fresh opportunities, and you'll be able to tackle your plans with logic and ease.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be ready to down tools and go off on an impromptu trip, Archer. But avoid messing with your schedule or doing something that could upset the status quo. Going on an adventure might feel good, but if you've let someone down in the process, you'll end up feeling bad. Let off steam by planning an adventure and then focus on making an impact by getting things done.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The urge to be free of something that's holding you back could come to a head at the start of the week, as Mars's angle with Uranus may encourage you to make a move that proves disruptive. Instead of going down this route, plan for gentle changes that won't stress you or jeopardize your hard work. Talking to someone you trust will help you get things in perspective and feel better.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If the week gets off to a chaotic start, getting everything organized and doing some decluttering could assist you in getting back on track. Things may become unravelled earlier on, and it might set the pace for the rest of the week, unless you create a sense of order that will help you relax. Something exciting can occur, but to gain from this you'll need a sound strategy.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Things could get frazzled, as you and another may find it hard to agree on anything. And yet a focus on sensitive Cancer, suggests that if you relax and see their point of view, there's a chance of sorting things out. Neptune will also rewind in your sign Pisces, so something you've taken for granted might be exposed for what it really is over the weeks and months ahead.