Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 25th March 2024

The week begins with one of 2024's most influential events, the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. What makes this so very profound is the link to Chiron, the so called Wounded Healer. With Venus and Jupiter bestowing fortune this can be a unique time for our personal but also collective evolution. However, Mercury is now in its Pre Retrograde Shadow, but links well to Neptune, so listening to our instincts remains essential. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 25th March 2024 for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra could be quite emotional, especially if you've been hoping an issue would just go away by itself. Instead, things can come to a head, and you'll need to deal with this whether you're ready or not. Avoid making any snap decisions as you might regret them later. The prospect of change is certainly in the air, and this influence may encourage a decision.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A powerful Lunar Eclipse occurs in your wellness zone, and could spotlight a habit that you've been meaning to give up for a while. For instance, if it's about relinquishing certain foods and substituting them for something healthier, this can be a good time to make that commitment. Looking to impress someone? This week's Venus/Uranus tie suggests being totally yourself.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your social life could succumb to turbulent times, as the Lunar Eclipse early this week can bring tensions to the fore. Falling for someone? You might get obsessed, but it's a good idea to wait until your emotions settle. You may see a different side of them or they of you. Venus's link to Uranus also hints at an intuitive nudge that could encourage you to seize an opportunity.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The spotlight is on the home, with a Lunar Eclipse stirring things up. If there are any family dramas brewing, chances are they'll come to a head. A heart-to-heart concerning such matters could help diffuse tensions and give everyone a chance to be heard. You might also be drawn to someone who has lived a wild and exciting life. Befriending them can be a highpoint.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Feelings can fluctuate, so extra care is necessary when discussing delicate issues, Leo. You may be far more emotional about a matter than you thought, which is why your conversation could turn out to be anything but logical. Avoid important decisions and commitments until events settle down. You might be given an opportunity like no other, but careful thought is required.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Lunar Eclipse across your financial axis stirs matters up, and may cause you to spend rashly rather than make wise investments. You might also become aware of an issue that needs handling and can't be put off any longer. This Eclipse can liberate you and increase your income if you use it wisely. It's a good time to clear out or sell clutter and make room for new opportunities.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

An Eclipse in your sign is the cosmos's way of inviting change into your life. This week's Lunar Eclipse in no exception, and could coincide with the completion of a goal or project that you've worked hard at. You'll also realize that you need to let something go that's dragging you down. It might not be easy Libra, but it can liberate you and allow you to move to a new level.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This week's lunation offers the chance to unwind and get your bearings, Scorpio. It takes place in a secluded zone, so you might find yourself naturally withdrawing from life as you seek insights, tie up loose ends and get back into balance. There's also a chance of an encounter that has the sizzle factor. As Venus aligns with Uranus, you may want to connect more often.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Lunar influences can stir up your social sector adding a feel-good energy to the week, especially if you're ready to enjoy yourself. Attending an event? It could be a boisterous occasion Archer, but one you'll relish. Emotions may fluctuate, so think carefully about taking a relationship further as you might be reacting to the mood of the moment. A slower pace can help avoid any regrets.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A Lunar Eclipse in your sector of personal goals, can inspire you to make your feelings known. If this encourages useful discussion and leaves you more at ease, then so much the better. But this is also an opportunity to stand out from the crowd, and doing so in a way that attracts others who share your views. Is a project coming to an end? Enjoy the sense of accomplishment you'll feel.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This week's Eclipse in your sector of adventure, can coincide with a surge of emotion that pushes you to explore a new opportunity. You may wonder if you have what it takes regarding a challenge or a leap of faith, but other influences suggest you're more than equipped to have a go and succeed. A developing bond could become much closer which will boost morale, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Feelings may run deep Pisces, and leave you a tad overwhelmed. Whatever is bothering you, put some simple steps into action to take the edge off it. If a matter needs your attention, don't leave it too long as it could gain momentum. At the same time you might be a tad outspoken, as a lively aspect can encourage you to say it like it is. At least others will know where they stand.