Weekly Horoscopes 25th June 2018

This week sees an extremely powerful Full Moon, combining as it does with the energies of Saturn. Any issue which can been causing restriction or difficulty in our lives can reach a peak. With Mars also squaring Uranus once more, if you have kept your own counsel, now you may speak out, with less concern for the consequences. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 25th June 2018 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

All this week the Sun is opposed by the rather severe energy of Saturn. This is one of the trickiest of planetary influences because it tends to limit and restrict the energy of the Sun, which is already in a rather gentle location for yourself. Work and worldly pressures could close in this week, or tend to oppress your need for peace and tranquility. Try to levitate things with your wit. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You will find yourself meaning what you say this week, but someone could experience you as being a little bit blunt. With the Full Moon also combining with the heavy energies of Saturn, treble check travel plans, as there could be some issues that are not immediately obvious. then you can head off. With your ruler squaring with Jupiter, a social evening with one friend can be fun.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your ruler moves into a truly bubbly location this week, but Mercury is going to also square with Uranus, and an issue which has previously been unspoken could burst into the open. This may relate to finance, or someone's appreciation of your efforts, or the lack of it. You can find yourself with a fine eye for a bargain, and keen to extract the most value from your expenditure.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Full Moon in your opposite sign suggests that a relationship issue is going to come sharply into focus. You can be someone who has a tendency to avoid or dislike conflict, but if there is something that does need seriously discussing, this could be the time that it occurs. Someone can seem less easy-going than usual, but if so, your horoscope asks you to try to tune into their point of view.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although you can be a very optimistic, upbeat and positive person, you may see your circumstances at the least, more realistically, but with Mercury joining your sign on Friday, any ideas you've had that have been on the back burner can come into play. At work, someone can surprise you by asking you to take on a new and challenging task, but you could enjoy this Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may find yourself reaching something of a crossroads this week, especially if a creative strand has not been giving you the sense of satisfaction that you really yearn for. This could also be true of a relationship. In general, your more serious and thoughtful side is going to feature. Pleasingly however, someone could drop a hint that they find you rather alluring Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your responsibilities and obligations can seem quite heavy going this week. However, if you're prepared to battle through, there is an opportunity to increase your status or grab yourself a new role. A great way to release any pressure may be to go out and be more sociable, and with your ruler Venus angling towards Jupiter in the first half of the week, your timing can be impeccable.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your ruler Mars goes into retrograde on Tuesday, and some plans to make changes to where you live, may go through a period of reconsideration. If you're considering a new mode of transport, your quest can see you extensively checking out your options. An idea that you hold dear can also come sharply into focus, but you may encounter someone who is as equally passionate.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may find yourself on one hand wanting to be very conservative with your expenditure, whilst on the other, a more frivolous side of your nature can come through. Your natural love of freedom can also see you finding more dull, routine tasks harder going, and especially in the second half of the week. But if you can apply yourself, you could be very pleased with your progress.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your guide planet is the awesomely powerful Saturn, and this week he combines with the Full Moon in Capricorn. This is going to bring out the most exacting part of your nature, and especially when it comes to relationship matters. Whilst you will be more than happy to match anyone else's commitment, you will be less impressed if they are much less attentive of you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Mars goes into retrograde in your sign this week Aquarius. This can have a positive impact in some ways, in terms of helping you to sharpen up your thinking and your focus on the plans that are really important, rather than spreading yourself too thinly. If you do encounter any obstacles, frustration could mount, but with Mercury moving into Leo, try to keep the lines of communication open.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may find your creative flow is a little less smooth this week Pisces, and that some irritations can creep in, which could see you scratching your head. It can seem that almost everything and everyone is conspiring to limit you or what you're trying to achieve. Even if you're quite gifted about expressing yourself, you may find yourself more tongue-tied. Where possible, conserve your energy.