Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 25th December 2017

Festive greetings! Venus moves into Capricorn on Christmas Day joining up with the Sun, Saturn and Pluto. This suggests that love can take on a more serious dimension this week. However, for such a sentimental time of the year, any weak ties can be exposed, especially with Mercury squaring Neptune which can cause some confusion. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 25th December 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The period between Christmas Day and the New Year is going to see you contemplating some big plans for 2018. Although this may often be true for us all, this week it's going to be somewhat different, and your desire to aim higher is going to be really marked. You can also find yourself being much more speculative around long-term finances, business plans and property.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you're heading away anywhere, your timing is absolutely impeccable. Your delicious ruler Venus moves on Christmas Day into a new zone which is all about widening your horizons. With Mars and Jupiter also combining this week, this can be a significant time for relationships. Even if you're someone who can be a little reticent in coming forwards, you can put your best foot forwards now.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You can find yourself with the Midas touch this week, if you can show the self-confidence to really go with your hunches. With the Sun combining with Venus, and Mars with Jupiter, there truly are big possibilities. But to really make the most of these, you may have to drill beneath the surface, as not every opportunity can be totally obvious. A new fitness regime could also seriously appeal.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Venus makes its way into the most magical part of your situation for relationships at the very start of this week, Christmas Day. This could lead to some surprise moments on the big day itself, and with a luscious vibration also in your sector of fun and enjoyment, this week could see invitations, pleasurable gatherings and uplifting conversations threaded all through it. Embrace every moment.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you find yourself at the heart of things and looking out for other people's needs, the chances are you will relish every moment. Though there have been times in the last few years when meeting other people's expectations has seemed oppressive, this year you can surprise yourself by how content you are doing this. If you get to the sales, something sparkling for your home can appeal.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The planets are conspiring in the most wonderful of ways between Christmas and New Year. You can find yourself more jovial, outgoing and playful for many a Moon. If you do get chatting to anybody interesting that you encounter, the conversation can turn out to be really enthusiastic. If you do enjoy physical activities, a run, walk, cycle or ski can see you burn off the calories.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There's a homely feel to your horoscope this week Libra, and if you find yourself settled, the people who really count, and you're warm, cosy and content, you will probably be more than happy. While some people may prefer a more gregarious festive week, tucked up in this kind of way, is likely to meet many of your needs. Yet any kind of diet plan may come under major pressure.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With your ruler Mars combining with the planet of fortune Jupiter, your enthusiasm can know few bounds this week. This could be around all the encounters that you enjoy, but also can see you formulating plans for the New Year. If you decide to head in a new direction, this will only add to your sense of anticipation. A message, text or email you receive, can also absolutely delight you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This is the time of the year to eat plenty and make merry, and the chances are Sagittarius, you're going to do both extremely well this week. This is because your ruling planet Jupiter aligns alongside the planet of drive and desire, Mars. This combination can give you a heightened appreciation of all the good things in life. You may also find the winter sales very tempting too Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

On the face of it, it may seem like this is a standard week between Christmas and New Year, and in some ways it may be, but it's also the beginning of a very new and special period in your overall life. This may coincide with some significant changes. Some of these you may drive forwards yourself, others may seem to come from outside. The one thing it won't be Capricorn, is dull.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

At this time of year, often you can find yourself cocooned away trying to minimise the amount of involvements with others, due to the Sun making its way through the most reserved part of your 'scope. Although this could happen this year, there may be other moments when people want you to take the lead. You may also find yourself doing a lot of thinking and planning behind the scenes.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This can be a fabulous time to get together with others. Although this may seem to be an entirely obvious thing to say, the greater the involvement you have with people in general the happier you are likely to be. Some friendships can take on an even greater importance in your situation, and if you're set to travel with a group of people, it could turn out to be a very merry affair indeed.