Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 24th January 2022

Mars powers into Capricorn on Monday, beginning a six week stay in the sign it is Exalted in. He is joined on Wednesday by the rewinding Mercury, which in turn is exactly conjunct Pluto on Saturday. This can bring a more worldly vibe to bear but the Sun's semi-sextile link with Jupiter can be very uplifting, and see us helping others, especially those less fortunate. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 24th January 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your sector of goals is empowered, as feisty Mars moves into Capricorn for six weeks, stirring up your desire to succeed. Plus, with Venus forging ahead, there could soon be positive news regarding deals or business matters that have suffered delays. You're not quite out of the woods though, as Mercury retro means it's wise to check the small print before you buy or sign, Aries. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your love of exploring ramps-up, and you'll be keen to explore pastures new, Taurus. Dynamic Mars can inspire you to take a walk on the wild side and dare to be more adventurous. There's mixed blessings, as Venus pushes forward and Mercury rewinds. You'll be able to smooth over relationship issues, but could find delays still occur around travel and other important matters.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Sun in your explorer's zone can boost your desire to learn more about new opportunities, and how you could take advantage of them. But you're also in for an intense time, as Mars moves into a powerful emotional zone. You might want to dig deep into issues that need closure, and will feel a sense of release once they are resolved. Plus, smoothing over disagreements may be easier now.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll be more proactive when it comes to all aspects of your relationships, and if there have been hiccups, these may begin to ease as Venus turns direct. The combination of the two could see a long-term disagreement about to come to an end. Plus, the Quarter Moon in Scorpio can encourage you to accept you have romantic feelings for someone Cancer, making life easier.Leo 24 July – 23 AugustThe appearance of Mars in your work zone from this week, can enhance energy and put you in the frame of mind to finish anything that is hanging over you. It's a chance to get organized, and create a system that makes you more productive. Still, with Mercury rewinding, it helps to be prepared. Something you thought was going well could come to a halt due to a technical hitch.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your creativity and romance zone benefits, as dynamic Mars moves in for a stay of six weeks. You'll discover a newfound passion for certain hobbies, and a budding relationship could get closer. Still, with Mercury in reverse, watch out for mixed messages and misunderstandings. Plus, as Venus turns direct, you'll regain the inspiration for a zesty project that might have stalled.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

While you may be enjoying a boost at work or with your business, you have likely experienced delays in other areas. With a potent energy stirring up your home zone from this week, you might experience a shift. A desire to declutter and resolve any family issues could push you into action. And if there have been misunderstandings, Venus's change of direction can act as a healing balm.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The energy of Mars will give key projects a boost, and encourage you to overcome any obstacles that have loomed recently. And if you need to sort out a misunderstanding, you'll waste no time in doing so. Have projects been delayed due to a lack of communication? This can change, with progress now on the cards. Eager for something different? Let off steam this weekend, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll be ready to ring in the changes concerning your finances, and to make some practical decisions. As Mars enters Capricorn, it will encourage you to clear up those knotty issues and to find ways to get your money working harder for you. As Venus forges ahead, any delays can begin to ease. But Mercury is still rewinding, so keep receipts and paperwork for key purchases.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Feeling dejected because things haven't gone to plan? The entrance of potent Mars into your sign, can change this. Over this week, energy levels look to increase, and you'll feel more in control. Mind, with Venus turning direct, you'll soon feel better about a relationship that may have been a disappointment lately. If you've made a decision, you'll be ready to implement it, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Dreams may be vivid, and your psyche could get stirred up, as the red planet moves into a secluded zone. This is a good time to enhance your inner game, so you can live to your full potential. But it's also a chance to tie up loose ends and resolve any lingering difficulties. As Venus moves ahead, a relationship might heal. And it could well be better than ever, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You'll feel an urge to connect, whether online or in person, and the coming weeks could result in some fascinating new contacts. As Venus pushes forward, you'll be choosier about those you invite into your inner circle, Pisces. You may have learned a lesson on this score recently. Mercury continues to rewind, so someone from the past might make a reappearance. Be prepared!