Weekly Horoscopes 23rd May 2016

The Blue Moon in Sagittarius continues to radiate its power, and communicational issues are central. However, with the svelte energies of Venus gliding into Gemini on Tuesday and joining with the Sun in a bubbly, flirty and charismatic clinch from Thursday, there can be moments of sheer fun and frivolity. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 23rd May 2016 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes 23rd May 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A complex set of energies this week, can see you sparkle socially, learn new ideas and expand your consciousness, but you will need to be aware that some things that appear to hold great potential may have some hidden or less obvious catches. Still, if you take your time and patiently explain, other people can become more receptive to you as the week goes on.{copytag:[643]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Extra monies can come into your situation this week as your ruler Venus moves into the horoscope sign of Gemini. She also blends in the second half of this week with the Sun, and your love of life's luxuries will be emphasised. However, stern Saturn stands in the background of your situation, cautioning you not to be too extravagant, especially on social activities. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A time of new beginnings is sparked around relationships. This may see someone new enter your world in the next four weeks, or it could see a revival in an existing tie. Yet, with Saturn emphasising your sector of relating, and forging tricky links to both Jupiter and Neptune, you will need to look beyond superficial appearances and keep influential people on-side.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your fascination for expanding your awareness can be huge, but it doesn't necessarily have to be in the physical sense. You can find yourself becoming better informed about the arts, healing, esoteric subjects and spirituality. Mind, if it feels that the grind of everyday life is inhibiting your desire to transform your situation, some changes may well be needed, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can star socially, and there may not be anything new in that, but this is a week when people can really start to appreciate just how charismatic you can be. Whilst it's pleasing to get lots of positive feedback from your perspective, you need to be firmly welded to the idea of quality rather than quantity. Careful marshalling of resources will also be important.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The trick for you at the moment Virgo is coming to terms with your expectations and the limitations which may be standing between what you really want, and what is truly possible. The key to progress is going to be the quality of your relationships with those who can help support and guide your future. The more goodwill that you can generate, the better.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Last week's Full Moon is still cascading planetary energy into your situation this week. And the focus is very much on how you think and how you express yourself to others. It may seem to you that other people have very high expectations of what you will do for them. Equally, there can be a part of you that needs to experiment more and have more freedom to be.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your traditional ruler Mars arrives back in your sign this week, where he will be broadly for the next two months. If a recent idea is not quite gaining the traction you would hope it's possible that you may have to go through a period of revision. Whilst in the short term this could seem frustrating, you can benefit from the largesse of others from midweek.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

People can seem much more sensitive this week, or is it you who is going to be noticing more the comings and goings around your human interactions? There is a fabulous chance in the second half of the week to connect with someone in a different and more uplifting way than you have done, but you may need to "own" some old issues to make the most of this.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The chances are you are going to continue to be needing to tune into your sixth sense like never before. The problem is that it may not seem utterly reliable, leading you to feel conflicted and worry if you are on the right track. Perhaps what is best will be to focus your energies on more practical areas and give yourself added thinking time to work through sensitive material.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your principles and idealism are to be lauded, but equally the world's as it is. A sense of realism around resources, values and attitudes and the way these mesh in with other people, including friends, is going to be important. However, a glorious link between the Sun and the newly arrived Venus in Gemini, can add extra lustre to your love life and social strands.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Everybody needs a foundation in their lives. Because of your mutable nature, you need to balance the need for this with the side of you that's constantly evolving, and needs to freely flow. It may feel as if one positive development is followed closely by one restraining one, and all of this could prove confusing or frustrating. If so, create the time to step back to work things out.