Weekly Horoscopes 22nd January 2018

Two very important planetary conjunctions give us the chance to both grapple with worldly issues in a progressive precise way, and also to embrace a more social strand. With Mars also powering into Sagittarius, by the week's end, a lighter vibe takes hold, that we can all appreciate. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 22nd January 2018 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If getting ahead in business is a key aim for you, Mercury's combination with Jupiter and Pluto can give you the authority and also the drive to make some decisive decisions and moves. But you're much more likely to open up a window of opportunity for success if you can work cooperatively with others. More socially, this can be a time when you start to want to break out and link with friends. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Sun joining with Venus, your ruler, at the top of your horoscope, your worldly interactions can be boosted by an assured touch when it comes to dealing with interviews, applications and people in positions of influence. Furthermore, a burning desire to widen your horizons which took hold at the end of last year, is still being activated strongly. One key partnership can be at the heart of this.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As your ruler Mercury combines with Pluto, so your thinking can go through a significant change. You are wanting to really get beneath the surface of what makes yourself and others tick. This may see you embrace some kind of new spiritual approach, or read books about psychology or more esoteric subjects. You can also find yourself more competitive as the week draws to a close.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A real meeting of minds is possible this week, and rapport you gain with one individual can really be satisfying. This could be a joint enterprise, a colleague or someone you share an interest with. Then again, conversation in a personal context can give you a great deal of food for thought. This is an excellent time to also start to prune out of your situation any dead wood.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun joining with Venus in your Solar Horoscopes' sector of relating, could lead to a greater fluidity in all sorts of communications. But there continues to be a lot of energy pulsating around the more precise parts of your situation, so try not to be so caught up with details that the bigger picture is harder to embrace. Your physical vitality, however Leo, can be boosted as the week draws to a close.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You can absolutely fizz with mental energy as your ruler Mercury combines with Pluto, the planet of transformation. If there are any elements of your situation you are truly passionate about, you're set to take a giant step forwards now. Your personal expression really can flourish, and if you can combine with this your natural practicality and eye for detail, even greater traction can be achieved.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your thinking can be ultra clear when it comes to issues of security, be it practical or emotional. This could see you speak up, and especially if you have been holding a sensitive matter close to your chest. But with the Sun joining with your guide Venus in Aquarius, physical vitality can revive and a period of quiet and reflection make way for a more outgoing and bubbly time Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You are often very thoughtful, and consider carefully key situations. However, this could be a time when you can be more outgoing around your ideas, thoughts and beliefs, although equally you can find yourself very receptive to those of other people. If you are involved in anything which requires a great deal of commitment and passion, you have it in spades this week. But do find time for you too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your personal planet Jupiter, is brilliantly placed this week to assist you, but you can gain all the more from this, from embracing the more philosophical side of yourself and of life. What you are learning now can shape your outlook for many Moons to come, and some changes to your value system can be part of this. An increase in emails, texts and phone calls is possible as the week goes on.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Mercury and Jupiter are forging a key alliance this week and also linking the planet of change, Pluto. What's changing here Capricorn, is that you are seizing the initiative and taking a firmer grip on your life direction. Whether you're thinking about your long-term future on an individual basis or collaborating closely with friends, expect to be at the centre of things. Finances can also revive.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun enters your sign joining with the planet of attraction Venus, and a new beginning is triggered. Yet you could find yourself this week working between issues that excite you in the present, but also come to terms with some elements of your past. However professionally, your ability to work diligently to support others, can finally be rewarded with greater recognition.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A long-term hope can start to crystallise, and the goodwill that you have generated in the past can be important to this. Friends can see you as being wise and insightful, and truly appreciate your gifts. Mind, if you're less sure about your future direction, it could be you that seeks wise counsel or taking some time out to pause and to consider your options. If so, don't hurry this Pisces.