Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 22nd February 2021

The Sun angles to Uranus, and Mars to Pluto, both in highly positive ways that push us to be enterprising and determined. True, there may be some tiffs along the way with Venus and Mars in a tense right angle but Venus travels into the beguiling Pisces on Friday, and the Virgo Full Moon asks to balance our muse with a nod to the practicalities. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 22nd February 2021 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Determined to make the most of a lucrative opportunity? A Mars/Pluto aspect encourages you to get focused and go for it. But as sweet Venus enters Pisces, you may be inclined to reach out and help others too. Don't forget to be good to yourself though, if you need some self-care. The weekend Full Moon could be a call to avoid overwhelm, and simplify your schedule if you can. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may be hard to ignore a desire for something that you want very much, especially if you'll do anything to get it. Be sure you can deal with the consequences though. Your social life sparkles with extra promise too, and a budding relationship could become closer. With a Full Moon lighting up your romance zone, you might find it hard to deny your feelings for someone, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Want to get closure on an issue that has affected your life for some time? Don't feel you have to do it alone, as the help of a trusted friend or counsellor could be invaluable. Ready for your place in the spotlight? As Venus joins the Sun and Neptune in a prominent zone, your powers of attraction can increase. It's time to showcase your skills and stand out from the crowd, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A friendship with someone who is powerful or influential, might be a step in a positive direction. The fact that you could call on this person if you need help is certainly to your advantage. But there are also gains to be made by connecting with a teacher or life coach, who can assist you to make the most of your potential, and encourage you to move out of your comfort zone big time.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you're willing to put the effort in this week, you can benefit from an opportunity that is ripe for the picking. All it needs is one big push and it could be yours. But with an emphasis on a deeper zone, it pays to listen to your instincts. If you feel that taking this on board might leave you overwhelmed, then trust them. A very dreamy influence may add sizzle to a romance, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The urge to take on board a challenge could prove hard to resist, with a dynamic aspect encouraging you to have a go whether you feel ready or not. If you do take the plunge, the rewards may be bigger than you thought. A relationship can move into a very romantic phase, and shows promise. Keen to close a deal? Read the small print, and don't get caught out, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus your guide planet moves into your work and lifestyle zone, her presence encourages co-operation with co-workers and others you connect with daily. This is an opportunity to smooth over any difficulties, and is also excellent for meetings and negotiations of all kinds. With a Full Moon in a private zone, consider taking a respite this weekend Libra, and relish a little self-care.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You and another may get on famously, and as well as becoming good friends, you might want to collaborate on a business idea or project. If you both have the same ambitious streak, then you could go far. Looking for love? As sultry Venus ramps-up, the chances of romance in a long-term bond can go through a positive shift, or a new relationship move beyond the platonic stage.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Grasp that opportunity, especially if it's a money-spinner. A dynamic aspect could inspire you to have a go, even if you don't have as much experience as others. Your determination can see you through. The Full Moon in a prominent zone, may put you in the spotlight when you least expect it. Act with integrity this weekend, and you will be appreciated more than you know.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Is there something you want? If so, you'll be willing to pull out all the stops to get it. With Mars making a harmonious but potent angle to Pluto in your sign, there is a good chance you will succeed. Need to persuade someone of something? With delectable Venus moving into Pisces, your honeyed words can make you impossible to resist in more ways than one, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun's tie with Uranus, suggests an impulsive purchase for the home could turn out to be a great buy. On a deeper note, you might find the strength to let go of something that has been an issue for some time. Doing so can be a very transformative experience. Take care around the weekend Full Moon though, as the desire to splurge may be strong Aquarius. Don't be tempted!

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Venus joins the Sun and Neptune in your sign, your magnetic and alluring side may come to the fore. People can be very drawn to you, and new friendships spring up at this time. One encounter might be like a breath of fresh air, and this relationship could give you something that few others can. Need to clear the air? The Full Moon may help, and bring a great sense of relief.