The Solar Eclipse pulsates around the heavens, and its link to Uranus urges us all to embrace the most daring side of natures. Staying as we are over the next six months is unlikley to be an option. But ironically this week also sees the Sun power into Virgo, so precision will be as important as passion and flair. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 21st August 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This is a week which gives you a fantastic opportunity to get on the front foot, also with Saturn ending its retrograde, anything to do with travel, contracts and higher education can start to ease. You are given a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the more outgoing and confident side of your nature. Venus can also add a tremendous amount of charm to your self-expression.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Sun moves into the sign of Virgo joining up with Mercury. Though Mercury does continue to travel backwards, this is going to see you feeling much more outgoing. Your ruler Venus also forges a lovely link with Mars, suggesting that your connection with family members or close friends can be good. If you have ever thought of working from home, this can be a fine time to begin.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your communication abilities are given a huge boost on the back of the Solar Eclipse, but this week is going to require a degree of sensitivity in the way you interact to really be successful for you. And you should be confident that you can do this, because Jupiter and Mars are forging an awesome angle. If there have been tensions in relationships, these can also start to ease now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Sun moves into a brilliant location for you because it's going to help you to feel more physically active. Your mental energies can also pick up, and you may also think more carefully about the ideas that you want to share with others. Of course, Mercury does continue to track backwards, but don't underestimate the ideas you have and the value of them, both to you and others.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The roar of this week's Solar Eclipse in your zodiac sign, is going to play out over the next six months. And this is going to be augmented this week by Venus moving into your own sign, and an amazing link between Mars and Jupiter. All of this can supercharge your efforts. What you mustn't expect is almost instant breakthroughs and recognition, for they may be slow to emerge.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Without doubt, the most important development this week is the Sun's transit into your zodiac sign. This is going to give you a real appetite to reinvigorate the ongoing strands that are important to you, or to fire into life new possibilities. Mind, with your ruler still retracing his steps, it may feel at times a bit like one step forward one step back, so patience is going to be a virtue Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Jupiter in your sign, is forging an amazing link to Mars. This is the planet of action and is located in the most sociable part of your situation. With the Solar Eclipse in this area too, on the face of it it's going to be a case of go, go, go and it can be, but equally mixed in with all this thrust and positivity, you need to stay mindful of your deepest hunches. Don't ignore them, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A mix of confidence and good contacts can work wonders over the next six months. Someone in a position of authority could prove to be very supportive, and your ability to cultivate links with influential people is going to be enhanced with the arrival of Venus in your Solar Midheaven. Do work hard at keeping the dialogue going with all friends and associates. It can prove telling.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your restless nature may see you want to add a greater sense a variety to your professional work. There may be other facets of your everyday life that you want to rejuvenate in some way too. With Mars and your ruler Jupiter forging a fine angle, you can almost feel unbeatable. Whilst it's great to be so much on the front foot, finer details could still require attention.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You'll be delighted to know that your stern ruler Saturn ends its backward journey this week in the most psychological part of your situation. If you have been feeling somewhat low on energy, this is something to welcome. In fact, you can be quite a galvanizing influence this week itself, and may be in the mood to experiment. Your business instincts can also be excellent.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Relationships are going to become so much more important to you from this week, stepping up a trend that's been building up for some weeks. Don't be surprised if you become part of a dynamic duo. This could be in a romantic context or just as easily could be linking with someone around a shared hobby, cause or even sporting interest. A financial matter may though need care.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
How do you feel about the relationship sector of your life? Mercury has been twisting backwards here recently, which may have created some crossed wires, but with the Sun arriving in this area, and Venus sparkling for much of this week in the most romantic part of your chart, there is so much to go for. But everyday responsibilities may still require some careful marshalling.