Weekly Horoscopes 20th September 2021

This week's Pisces Full Moon is a call to action to balance our spiritual and physical worlds. With Venus and Uranus in opposition, sparks can fly in love, and the Autumn presages the third Quarter of the Astrological year. But with Mercury in a tense right angle to Pluto, some relationship politics may need careful handling. Mars' angle to Saturn, can though help us to celebrate those solid associations. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 20th September 2021 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be extra sensitive to other people's moods, overflowing with kindness and keen to escape from the harshness and complexity of life. Yet by midweek, you might be doing all you can to contain a difficult situation in the most diplomatic way possible. And because of this, a desire to let off steam could find you eager to shop or do something that gives you a thrill, Aries. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A dreamy Pisces Full Moon could coincide with a celebration or delightful get-together, that holds many happy memories. The start of the week can also highlight a developing romance that you just can't get enough of. But a tougher aspect midweek might be a call to reduce your schedule and free up more time. Looking to date? An instant attraction may surprise you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With a Full Moon putting you in the spotlight, this is the time to shine bright by discussing your feelings on an issue in a way that could help everyone. A message you give out can be reassuring and comforting, leaving others feeling so much better. On a separate matter, you may have something difficult to convey, with no easy way to do it. A tactful focus might assist, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Memories could compel you to call someone you haven't seen in a while for a chance to catch up. And you may end up arranging to visit, that can do you both the world of good. Plus, exciting options may show up if you're travelling somewhere new. Mind, an unexpected encounter might be a breath of fresh air. This person's zesty perspective could open your eyes.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Treasures from the deeps can emerge, as the Full Moon in an intense zone brings insights and ideas that could be a game-changer. This week communication is key, and as the Sun eases into Libra, this is the perfect time for reaching agreements and closing deals. Need to be firm with someone? You'll manage it in a way that they get the message without taking offence.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

An opportunity may come your way, and it could be a good one, Virgo. But don't be surprised if it takes a while to materialise. With Mercury at its slowest prior to turning retrograde, there might be last-minute complications, which means you'll have to wait. It's worth hanging on for though.Willing to spend money on a new sport or hobby? Don't rush, as interest in this can fizzle out.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As the Sun moves into your sign this week, you'll gain in confidence and feel like you're truly in your element. With dynamic Mars also here, this is the time to set your sights high, and prepare to accomplish those goals and plans that are so important to you. And connecting with someone from the past could net you an opportunity, and help you accomplish something outstanding.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Full Moon in Pisces can bring out the romance in a relationship, and encourage you to acknowledge your feelings. Once you do, you and another may become an item. Having second thoughts about an agreement or plan? Don't stew over it Scorpio, discuss it, and you'll easily sort it out. Plus, fascinating information about your family history could nudge you into action.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may find it difficult to rouse yourself to do anything early on. And if so, it's better to take a break and recharge. The rest of the week can be more animated Archer, although with Mercury slowing prior to turning direct, you could experience one or two hiccups regarding a key relationship. Don't feel you have to apologise for something you don't want to do.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Sun's move into Libra adds extra emphasis to your sector of goals and ambitions. The coming weeks are excellent for getting your message out to the world and for promoting your talents. There could be the potential for mixed messages though, as Mercury faces-off with Pluto. As it's about to rewind, things may not be as they seem. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Full Moon in your money zone could inspire you to give to charity, to spend money on others or purchase something exciting for yourself. Hold back though, as you might regret this a few days down the line. If you still want to give a gift, go ahead, although it will likely be at a price you can better afford. Over the weekend, a new discovery can find you making bold plans.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With a dreamy Full Moon in your sign, you could appear very seductive without even realising it. Solo? Don't be surprised if you get offers of dates. Entangled? The passion in your relationship may be rekindled. It's also time to resolve an issue once and for all, especially if it's proving a real burden. Get on and tackle it now, and you'll feel so much better in a few days.