Weekly Horoscopes 20th August 2018

The Sun moves into the practical Virgo on Thursday and for three days forges a quite stunning Grand Earth Trine with Saturn and Uranus. Enterprise, linked to thoroughness and hard work provide the main opportunities. A delightful angle between Venus and Mercury suggests some lighter moments are possible too. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 20th August 2018 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The focus shifts from a more relaxed mode into a more focused phase, as the Sun moves into your lifestyle zone. With five planets in the element of earth, this can be a good time to review your habits and routines Aries, take stock and experiment with new ideas and techniques. Relationships can be intense over the weekend, so proceeding with care can be very wise. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun moves into a dynamic zone for a four week stay, which can inspire you to get involved in hobbies and sports. This can be an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills, as someone with influence may be watching. Your Solar Horoscope also shows it can also be an emotional time with a Full Moon over the weekend. Any important decisions are best based on fact rather than feelings Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The next four weeks offer a chance to step back from life to nurture yourself and recharge your batteries. Although you may have a lot to contend with, catching up on sleep and eating good quality food can enhance vitality and help you feel better inside and out. Over this weekend though, you may feel compelled to follow someone's lead. If you don't want to, do say so.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Short journeys, admin and daily interactions could increase over the weeks ahead as the Sun moves into your sector of communication. As it also makes potent aspects to prudent Saturn and innovative Uranus, new opportunities can come from networking and attending social events. You may be dazzled by an offer, but with a Full Moon this weekend, do research it first.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Financial affairs get a boost, as the illuminating Sun moves into your money zone for approximately a month. And as it also makes some potent ties, this can be a great time to experiment with new ways to increase your income and earn extra cash. Go easy with spending over the weekend though, as you may be willing to splurge on something that isn't worth it Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be back in the driving seat after a few weeks when life appeared out of your control. The arrival of the Sun into your sign, can be an upbeat occasion with the coming month bringing enhanced vitality and greater confidence. Be alert for fresh opportunities too. The Full Moon this weekend could blur your judgement though, so a second opinion may help Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As the Sun eases into a more private zone, the coming weeks can be an opportunity to get back in touch with your deeper needs and heartfelt desires. What do you really want? Answering this question could motivate you to make key changes. This weekend, a potent aspect involving Venus your ruler, could see you in the position of diplomat as you seek to heal a family matter.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your social life moves higher up your list of priorities from this week, with a renewed focus inspiring you to connect with friends and move in new circles. There is much to be gained from attending events, as certain encounters could bring fresh opportunities your way. The coming weekend can be quite emotional, and it is very possible to get carried away by intense feelings.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This can be the start of a busy few weeks when you may be more inclined to pursue goals and ambitions. Indeed, the days ahead can bring an exciting offer or fresh information that might be crucial to your future. However, with a dreamy Full Moon in your home zone this weekend, take some time out to relax. Defer decisions if possible, as perceptions could be somewhat distorted.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If life has seemed intense, then you may enjoy lighter experiences from this week as the solar orb moves into your sector of far horizons. This can be an opportunity for travel adventures and lively new interests. The weekend could see you going somewhere that evokes memories. It could be a deeply emotional experience, and especially if friends or family are involved.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be drawn into important matters that have been put to one side for too long, especially if there seemed no immediate way to resolve them. If you take this process step by step though, you may be surprised at how quickly key issues unravel and begin to make sense. In addition, it may be unwise to commit to a financial deal. Bide your time, as a better option may emerge.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The coming weeks may involve plenty of teamwork and a willingness to discuss relationship issues and seek a compromise where necessary Pisces. Social events can boost morale too, as a key encounter could bring someone refreshingly different into your life. The Full Moon in your sign over the weekend can intensify feelings, so think carefully before making any big pledges.