Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 1st January 2024

The transition from the New Year Celebrations to 2024, may see us initially finding it tricky to grapple with life's realities. With the Quarter Moon in Libra on Wednesday, diplomacy will also be helpful this week, when the inner freedom fighter within us all, can struggle to conform to expectations. But with Mars' move to Capricorn on Thursday this will see us finding easier to get into the groove.  For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 1st January 2024 for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your sector of goals is empowered as feisty Mars moves into Capricorn for six weeks, stirring up your desire to succeed. And with Mercury forging ahead, there could soon be positive news regarding plans that have suffered delays. Get ready too for a Quarter Moon that encourages you to tie up loose ends and finalize details so you can bring a project to a great conclusion.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your love of adventure ramps-up, and you'll be keen to explore new pastures. Dynamic Mars inspires you to take a walk on the wild side and to be more courageous. There's more good news, as dealmaker Mercury turns direct in a financial sector. If you've had issues with money or business affairs, things will get better. And midweek could be delightful for so many reasons.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You're in for an intense time, as Mars moves into an emotional zone. You might want to dig deep into issues that need closure and will feel relief once they are resolved. Plus, smoothing over disagreements can be easier now, as flexible Mercury changes direction. If you've experienced a misunderstanding, you'll soon resolve it. Very shortly a key relationship will be back on track.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll be more proactive regarding key bonds. And if there have been hiccups, these may begin to ease as Mars enters Capricorn. You'll have a chance to clear the air and to take any actions that you think might help the situation. The Quarter Moon in Libra brings a touch of diplomacy into a situation. If you tried to get someone on your side, this lunar influence can help.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The appearance of Mars in your lifestyle zone from this week enhances energy, and puts you in the frame of mind to finish anything that's hanging over you. It's a chance to get organized and create a system that makes you more productive. With the first week of 2024 at the door, you'll be ready to make some resolutions that stick. It's time to aim higher than ever before, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your creativity and romance zone lights up as dynamic Mars moves in for a stay of six weeks. You'll discover a newfound passion for certain hobbies, and a budding relationship could get more interesting. There's good news too, as Mercury forges ahead, so if household jobs or repairs have been delayed, things will get moving. Keen to buy or sell? Now you can make a start.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With a potent energy stirring up your home zone from this week, you might experience a shift. A desire to declutter or to resolve any family issues could push you into action. And if there have been misunderstandings, Mercury's change of direction can be helpful too. You'll have a way with words which means you'll be honest, but you'll manage not to cause any offence, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The energy of Mars will give key projects a boost and encourage you to overcome any obstacles that have loomed recently. Need to sort out a misunderstanding? You'll waste no time in doing so. And if your plans have been delayed due to a lack of communication, this can change as dashing Mercury turns direct. Eager for something different? A new opportunity is on the cards.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll be ready to ring in the changes around your finances, and to make practical decisions. As Mars enters Capricorn, it will encourage you to clear up those knotty issues, so you'll feel more in control. Held back by a raft of delays? The planet of talk and thought turns direct in your sign, so give it a few days and it will be full steam ahead. Expect a dose of good fortune, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Feeling dejected because things haven't gone to plan? The entrance of potent Mars into your sign can change this. From this week energy levels could increase, and you'll have more courage to handle those things you've been putting off. With an emphasis on your spiritual sector, the start of 2024 can also be a call to move beyond your limitations and see what you're capable of.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Dreams may be vivid, and your psyche could get stirred up as Mars enters a secluded zone. This is a good time to take up a practice that can help you stay calm even in difficult situations. It's also a chance to resolve any lingering difficulties. A Quarter Moon in Libra suggests that finalizing a project might pave the way for the most wonderful opportunity to appear, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your social life gets even more oomph, as assertive Mars moves into Capricorn, getting 2024 off to a buoyant start. Get ready to connect with those who share your interests, as you'll benefit from their company and make some great friends too. Has a career plan or goal been delayed? As Mercury forges ahead you'll see where you've been going wrong and be able to remedy it.