Tuesday sees a New Moon in Leo augmented by a fine angle to the planet of structure Saturn. As long as new hopes are well thought through and planned they have a fine chance of standing the test of time. With Mars also bursting back into Sagittarius, energy generally can be higher for us all.For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 1st August 2016 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes 1st August 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The week begins with the Sun anchored by Saturn. This can be terrific for learning new skills, though precision will be important and that may be more difficult towards the end of this week when information you receive can be misleading or incorrect. Fortunately, with your ruler Mars on the move, your appetite for a challenge will be total. {copytag:[643]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
This week's New Moon can help you with careful consideration to come to terms with some tricky and emotional issues that have been buzzing around the back of your situation for some while. The great news is that by the end of this week when Venus joins up with Mercury and your sister Earth sign Virgo, you can feel more outgoing, and in the mood to socialise.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Someone can tell you something this week which really seems solid, reliable and trustworthy. It could be that you sign some kind of agreement together, and if this is linked to a commercial interest it may be a deal that can go very well. With Mars also moving back into Sagittarius, you can feel more inclined to interact, engage or compete with others, Gemini. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you want to tie things down around your finances and get really organised, a review of your budget early in the week and Saturn's link to the New Moon suggests this can be a shrewd thing to do. By the weekend the emphasis changes with Venus joining Mercury in your sector of everyday communications, and things can suddenly be harder to pin down.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This week sees a sparkling New Moon in your sign. But it is one that can see you combine enterprise and flair, with initiative and structure. It is not always easy to get all these things together, and even by the end of this week you are going to have to stay very mindful of any nitty-gritty issues to avoid misunderstandings. Physical vitality however, does bounce back.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mercury now getting a toehold back in your sign, and to be joined at the end of this week by Venus, you can start to feel less bogged down in issues relating to your past, or unresolved emotional dramas. Mars also moves back into your sector of home and family and all this can give you and your horoscope the extra spark and momentum to get cracking with your own key plans.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your way of thinking and expressing yourself has come very much under the astral microscope over the last year or so. Some may have found you more cutting and to the point, but the great thing about this week's New Moon is that when it comes to your future and any conversations you do have, you can be crystal clear and even persuasive in what you say.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Mars moves into the sector that influences cash and your raw desires from now until the end of September. This is your opportunity to really put the maximum amount of energy into satisfying your needs. This week also gives you a fantastic chance to firm up any professional aspirations or hopes, but you'll need to be utterly clear about what you want to achieve and how.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If it has felt that some of your key hopes have not quite come to fruition in the last two months, part of this may have come from Mars' rotation initially backwards, and then forwards in the sign of Scorpio. Now he returns back to your sign for a two-month occupation. Use this to be as bold and positive as possible. Push any recent doubts to one side and go for it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This can be a fine time to rejuvenate your approach to health, fitness and dietary matters, and especially if your psychological energy has seemed to have been under par or you've been feeling more anxious. In truth, some of this may require you to be more open to new ideas and ways of thinking and being. Or do some old emotional hurts still need resolving?
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This week's New Moon is going to help you to really appreciate and even treasure the relationships in your world that are not only consistent and reliable, but grow with you as you evolve yourself. With Mars also moving back into a key location, your long-term thinking can be galvanised. It's just money that's going to require some care as this week closes.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The great news this week for you Pisces is that Venus, the planet of loving moves into your opposite sign. This and Mars shifting into a more confident area, can give you the right mix of empathy and drive to forge all sorts of important alliances. It's just that as Mercury in your sector of relating clashes with Neptune in your sign, a little bit of clarity may fade.