Weekly Horoscopes 19th December 2022

It's a celestial blockbuster, with Jupiter returning to Aries, the Winter Solstice and the Capricorn New Moon. Threaded through this a sparkling alliance between Venus, Uranus and the North Node. Yet the new location of Jupiter squares to the Sun, so optimism needs to be tempered by a slice of pragmatism. The upside of this aspect is that it can though encourage us to be kindly and generous to those less fortunate. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Buoyant energies set the stage for a promising week, in which sassy Jupiter moves back into your sign, enhancing confidence and good fortune. Plus, the Sun powers into a highflying zone for four weeks, making this an excellent time to promote your skills and make your mark on the world. Still, with the holidays approaching, don't work too hard. Relish a chance to relax, Aries.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

This week of astrological shifts, encourages you to tap into your intuition and follow your dreams. Expansive Jupiter moves into your spiritual zone, which means that by listening to your inner wisdom you'll start to flourish. New adventures beckon, and by taking the road less travelled, opportunities will be revealed. Looking for romance? The weekend holds promise.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Lively Jupiter, the bringer of good times, moves into your social zone, encouraging you to accept invites and attend festive events. Good things happen when you mix with new people. Whether you're looking for opportunities, kindred spirits, romance or anything else, it can be yours. The Sun's move into Capricorn, encourages you to cut out dead wood to attract fresh possibilities.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This is an upbeat week for you, as fortunate Jupiter moves back into your career zone until mid-May. If you've hesitated to take advantage of opportunities, now is the time to go for it. Need assistance? The Sun's move into Capricorn, means a powerful emphasis on teamwork will bring you the help you need, Cancer. Plus, Venus's influence can heal and soothe relationship woes.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A bold and enterprising influence gets underway this week, encouraging you to stop playing safe and be willing to move out of your comfort zone. Jupiter's move back into Aries, enhances your curiosity and inspires you to live life to the full. Ready to enhance wellbeing? With a New Moon in Capricorn, this is an excellent time to jettison bad habits an adopt healthier ones, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your intuition will be at a peak, especially when it comes to financial and business affairs. You'll also have a bolder approach to resolving difficulties, preferring to tackle them fearlessly. This perspective could help you find closure on matters that have hung over you for too long. Plus, a fabulous New Moon in your romance zone, suggests a new relationship can begin to flourish.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your love life looks promising, as Jupiter's move back into Aries may spice up your partnership and add extra sparkle to your social life. You could feel restless too, and eager for new experiences. Connecting with others who share your interests might liven things up. Busy with festive preparations? Get the family to pitch in. Don't try to do it all, as you need to unwind too.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Need some extra energy to cope with the coming week? As buoyant Jupiter moves into your sector of work and wellness, you'll soon notice it. You'll be keen to exercise and eager to get up to speed with key projects. And as your sector of talk and thought is emphasized, discussions and negotiations can all go well. Ready for a fresh start? The New Moon says go for it, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll feel the stirrings of wanderlust coming on as Jupiter your guide planet moves into Aries, enhancing a desire to travel and seek out new adventures. You'll be prepared to throw yourself into life with abandon, and will enjoy many positive experiences as a result. You'll also be keeping an eye on finances. This week's New Moon is a call to develop good money habits.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming holidays look to be a positive time, as a lively influence lights up your home zone. Doing a lot of entertaining? If so, it looks like you'll take it in your stride and enjoy yourself. The Sun enters your sign too, so you'll be shining bright and ready to make sure the festive week goes like a dream. Have big plans? The New Moon encourages you to make a start, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As Jupiter glides into Aries, the chances of getting good deals and special opportunities increases greatly. You'll have faith in human nature, and your optimism will give others confidence to run with your ideas. There's also a strong psychological theme showing, that makes this a good time to resolve old issues. Keen to take up yoga or meditation? You may feel much better for it.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Money matters could improve, as abundant Jupiter enters your financial sector for some months. And if you're thinking of starting a side-hustle, it can go better than expected. The urge to splurge may be stronger too, so go easy with last minute gifts, whether for yourself or others. Socially, you're on a roll. Your love life will improve, and new friendships delight you.