Saturn moves into Capricorn this week after a twenty five year absence. This is his home zone and he will be transiting through the sign of the Goat for the next two and a half years. However, Mercury does end its three week retrograde on Friday. From all this we can expect a more serious vibe in the world at large. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 18th December 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The run-up to Christmas itself will see a change of emphasis with both the Sun and stern Saturn moving to the very top of your horoscope. This is the area to do with responsibilities and obligations. The next two and a half years can be a time when yours increase, but see this as a very positive development. Travel plans, agreements and contractual issues all continue to require care Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Knowledge becomes a crucial factor in your situation. Whatever your circumstances, you may become more desirous of adding to yours. Although the period before Christmas can often be an extremely busy time, you can still find yourself being more fascinated than ever by different cultures, people, or even gifts. Variety really is the spice of life, and can help to enliven your festive enjoyment.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Relationships still require some care with Mercury tracking backwards for a few more days. But whatever people say to you, it's what they really mean that is going to matter most. Even if you've enjoyed the run-up to this week, you may find yourself more orientated towards the people who are most meaningful in your world. If you are a business person, hard work can bring handsome rewards.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The last three or four weeks has given you a fine opportunity to grapple with the nitty-gritty of the festive arrangements. As you're often one of the most organised of all zodiac signs, the chances are all your plans are laid and well ordered. Now you can turn your attention to interpersonal matters. Looking to seek the greatest amount of harmony that is possible, will add to your pleasure.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Chances are, life has been action packed for you of late, and probably some moments of merriment. However, with the Sun and Saturn now entering a much more practical part of your situation, your natural organisational skills are set to really flourish. And whether it's organising Christmas dinner for next week, or last-minute presents, little is likely to miss your searching gaze Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There's been a lot to think about recently, and you may have been a little less engaged by the frivolities that have been gripping some of the people. Not least, some deeply personal matters may have been on your mind. Now however, as the Sun and Saturn move into the most joyous of areas, Christmas and all its trimmings can take on a much more delightful appeal.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A more traditional week could really appeal to you. If you have for example, an open fire or a log burner, being gathered round it with your nearest and dearest, can chime perfectly. Then again, if you do venture into your community, taking part in a carol service or looking out for other family members can also suit. Mind, there may be some times when you relish peace and tranquillity.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've been enjoying the get-togethers, gatherings, and camaraderie of the last few weeks, this week's shifting of astrological emphasis, can see you turn your mind rather more to more communicational aspects of your interactions with others. Ties with people who live close by, siblings or community activities, can all take on a greater role and meaning in your situation.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You'll be pleased to know that Mercury, the planet of communication, which has been ebbing and flowing in your zodiac sign since early November, will start to finally go forwards later this week. If things have felt a bit stop-go, it wouldn't be a surprise, but now you have an opportunity to move more into the moment. In fact, all the festive pleasures can now start to consume you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With the Sun arriving back into your sign for the first time in eleven months, this is going to spark a revival in your energy, and also see you shift from a more reflective and sentimental phase of the year, into one which is going to see you at the heart of all activities. So, even if you have felt a little detached recently, from now to the end of the year you're going to be a true shining light.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
One of your great gifts is that you are so future orientated. But you also have a tremendous appreciation for past tradition, values and history, and this blend of energies is what gives you a degree of your uniqueness. Value both sides of this in yourself from now, because your ability to get on with lots of different types of people is going to make the next few weeks truly enriching.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Although it's late in the year, your ambitions are still very much to the fore. The chances are you've been working tremendously hard over the last few years, and something that's really important to you can take on a more solid and viable basis in your situation. If you're less satisfied with your work or career, a lot of your horoscope influences suggest conversation over the holidays can be about exploring your options.