Monday's Wolf Full Moon, in Cancer, nudges to ensure that we are not getting too caught up with the material plane, with the ongoing clustering of energy in the sign of Capricorn. Yet the Sun also moves this week into the sign of friendship and fraternity, Aquarius, and with Mercury, retracing his steps in this sign, we may find ourselves reconnecting more with friends and associates. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 17th January 2022 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This week's Full Moon aligns with Pluto, making it very intense. So be prepared, Aries! You may decide to let go of a commitment or job to take advantage of a better opportunity. You'll do it, if it brings a better quality of life. The Sun then swings into friendly Aquarius, so you'll be eager to connect with others on your wavelength. A reunion is possible, and could be quite emotional. {copytag:[599]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you feel threatened by something, you may just pull the plug on it to avoid further stress. Is this necessary though, Taurus? This week's potent Full Moon could find you overly sensitive and defensive, and there's a chance you might regret missing out on an opportunity. The Sun's move into a prominent zone puts you in the spotlight. Ready to showcase your skills? Now is the time.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The feeling that something needs to go could build to a crescendo, due to a powerful Full Moon. A situation may need closure, or you might need to pare back an idea, business or your expenses. This can pay off in the long-term, as streamlining your affairs will leave you better off. Later, a lighter mood takes over, and you'll be ready to aim high, unencumbered by baggage.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Is it you or them? You might not be sure who's to blame for a situation, but emotions could ride high bringing things to a head. The Full Moon and its close link with Pluto, may cause you or another to take a decision you'll regret. With careful handling you'll have a chance to reset a close bond. Need to resolve a tricky issue. Talk this over later in the week, and it can be healed.
Leo 24 July – 3 August
You'll be ready to get rid of anything that is clogging up your schedule and your life. The beginning of the week could also be the start of a whole new phase, if you succeed in letting go of the old to make way for the new. Plus, as the Sun glides into Aquarius and liaises with Mercury, someone you know from a while back may have some advice for you. Will you take it though, Leo?
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You might take something very personally and overreact, when a calmer approach could make life easier. Still, you may feel as though you're being tossed about in a storm of feeling. Getting some distance from this, can lead to wiser decisions, Virgo. The Sun's move into your lifestyle sector is perfect for getting organized, and tweaking your routines so you can be more productive.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A matter that's been rumbling along could erupt, as the Full Moon aligns with powerbroker Pluto. Watch out for control battles that might destabilize family relationships. There is potential to clear the air, if done sensitively. Things ease up as the Sun enters your leisure zone for four weeks. With Mercury rewinding, both planned and unexpected reunions may feature, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Full Moon aligning with Pluto, your words may be loaded and can send shockwaves through others, if you're not careful. Need to get something out of your system? Start the week with a workout or channel edgy emotions into a jog or walk. You might want to take a step back from life, as the Sun enters your home zone. Nurture yourself, and indulge in some self-care.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be ready to plaster over pent-up emotions, by buying something that will leave you feeling better. Perhaps what you really need is a hug from someone you care about, and a chance to connect on a heartfelt level. Communication is key, as the Sun moves into your sector of talk and thought. If you and another have had words, this influence can encourage you to make up.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You'll be empowered, but your intense energy could leave others feeling a tad overwhelmed. You may need to dial back and let them have their say, otherwise resentment might build. The Sun's move into your money zone can help you take stock, and make healthy decisions that leave you with more cash in your pocket. Check out the small print on any deals before you buy.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It helps to simplify your schedule, especially early in the week, when the Full Moon could coincide with surging emotions. Something may trigger an issue that has remained dormant for a while. If you sense that you need help with this, then get it. The Sun enters your sign just after midweek, so you'll be ready to do something fresh and pioneering as your confidence grows.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be time to let go of someone who seems to be causing you problems. If you've persevered and nothing has changed, then this week's Full Moon across your social axis, could urge you to end this and connect with those who are your kindred spirits. You're also entering a quieter phase as the Sun glides into your spiritual zone. Take time out to relax and recharge, Pisces.