This week's big celestial stories are the Aries Solar Eclipse of Thursday and Mercury going into Retrograde on Friday. Yet the role of Pluto is key, squaring the Sun all week, and this can create intense conditions. The oft used saying "no gain, without pain" comes to mind, as we are pushed to juggle where our priorities lay. And our future direction and plans needs to be balanced against immediate practical realities. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 17th April for each sign, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You'll be in the mood for dynamic change, as a Solar Eclipse in your sign encourages you to break away from the past and step into a brand-new future. If you're very attached to something or someone, it may take longer to let go. Still, with talkative Mercury rewinding, it's best not to make any impulsive moves. Let things unfold naturally and steadily for best effect, Aries. {copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Something could come to a dramatic end this week, and not before time. A turbocharged New Moon in your spiritual sector angles towards Pluto, encouraging you to let go of something that no longer serves. The Sun also enters your sign, encouraging you to focus on goals and plans that are deeply meaningful to you. Mind, as lively Mercury enters its retro phase, it's best not to rush.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ready to bring a cherished goal to life? This week's Solar Eclipse and its intense angle, can find you compelled to make it so. But is it right for you? It's a good idea to examine your motives before you go rushing ahead. And with Mercury going into reverse, it's even more imperative that you let go of any preconceived notions and expectations. It's time to be realistic, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While the Solar Eclipse encourages you forward another influence pulls you back, and may stop you in your tracks. This could be down to emotional blocks preventing you from progressing. Once you see this, you can start to dismantle them, either alone or with a coach or mentor. And as the Sun glides into Taurus, it encourages you to relax and get some much-needed perspective.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Is someone stopping you from seizing an opportunity? The Eclipse and its angle to Pluto, suggests conflict. If your mind is made up, you may resent interference. And yet there is a possibility that they might be right. It's also possible you're being pushed into doing something, and you don't want to. Either way, give yourself enough leeway to make a wise choice, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Beginnings and endings could be on your mind, as a turbocharged New Moon encourages you to jettison the old and embrace the new. If you're faced with a dilemma, ask yourself what you really want. Soon enough, you'll see the full picture. Mercury your ruler regresses too, so be careful concerning travel arrangements. A to-do list can help you avoid delays, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may question a relationship if it's preventing you from getting ahead. You could feel a strong impulse to do something drastic, but it's best not to rush into a decision. The Sun's move into practical Taurus, encourages you to take your time. This situation might be more complex than it seems, Libra. And with Mercury rewinding, mixed messages are possible. Patience is key.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A decision that concerns your future should not be taken lightly, and yet you could easily jump into anything that gets you excited. The Solar Eclipse can open a door, but may shut another, so stay alert. And with Mercury rewinding, circumstances might change fast, so wait until you know what's involved and whether it suits you. Time is on your side, so play the long game, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You'll be keen to make progress, but the Solar Eclipse and its potent links could encourage you to go too far too fast. Change can be a much-needed breath of fresh air for you, but if you make a wrong move in your haste, you might regret it. A seed may be planted now that can grow and flourish, if you let it. If you try to force it, you could end up defeating your own purpose.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Keen to forge ahead with a domestic plan? If you sense you have too much to lose, then you could nip it in the bud. But do you? While action is indicated, there can be too many confusing issues to deal with all at once. Handling it in stages may be best. The Sun's move into Taurus highlights your leisure zone, so enjoying some down time might give you space to think clearly.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Big opportunities are in the pipeline, and the Solar Eclipse could encourage you to take that bold step forward. It's also possible you'll be pushed into it, whether you're ready or not. See it as the next step along your evolutionary path, Aquarius. Mind, with the Sun easing into a quiet zone and Mercury rewinding, the cosmos encourages you to step back and get your bearings first.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may need a reality check Pisces, and it looks like you'll get one due to the Solar Eclipse. You'll begin to realize what is and what isn't possible, and this means you'll waste less time on activities and decisions that don't really matter. Good communication is essential if you're to make the most of the days ahead. But with Mercury rewinding, it's best not to relax your grip.