Weekly Horoscopes 14th November 2022

After a somewhat tense start to the week, some kind of dividend could occur as Venus transits into Sagittarius. The Sun also forges great links to both Jupiter and Pluto. Along with Mercury's arrival in the sign of the Archer on Thursday, unexpectedly good news or a transformation in our affairs can unfold, if we are prepared to flex, evolve and re-calibrate our practical affairs. Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 14th November 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You'll do well if you simplify matters by cutting out unnecessary tasks. As Mars retro angles towards Neptune energy levels can dip, so you'll need to take this into account. At the same time, there's a buoyant and optimistic mood in the air that encourages you to move out of your comfort zone, but also to indulge and enjoy life. Have a desire to travel? It could soon happen.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There are many reasons to feel upbeat. You'll get plenty of invites to have fun, spend time in good company and to expand your vision of what is possible. Go easy where finances are concerned Taurus, as with confusing Neptune on the radar, mistakes are easily made. If you check details and ask questions, you'll be fine. There are opportunities to take advantage of too.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Things may not be quite as they seem, which is why you shouldn't jump to conclusions or act on impulse. A dreamy aspect involving Mars retro in your sign, hints that you could get despondent if something isn't going well. Be patient, as it can still succeed. You'll get a lot of support from others who will pull out all the stops to boost your mood and help you overcome any doubts.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There are so many positive threads showing up that bring opportunities for romance, and for enjoying life to the full. Yet it will help to pace yourself, as a more soporific aspect can cause you to miss out if you don't feel like making an effort. You may need more rest, and you should get it. But there are times when it's good to push yourself to take advantage of an offer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Something you've wanted will show up without you having to do much at all, which will be very pleasing. This week you'll feel a positive uplift as the focus shifts, encouraging you to be adventurous, to travel and to enjoy romantic dates and social opportunities. Even so, someone could let you down. There's not a lot you can do, except determine not to get caught out again.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Conversations can yield gold, whether you're closing a business deal, negotiating or sharing your feelings with someone. The early part of the week sizzles with opportunity, and you'll get plenty of invites, dates and romantic offers. From midweek, make time for self-care and nurturing. Regards a scheme or opportunity, don't rush into anything, especially if it seems dubious, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Finances may get a small boost that gives you something to smile about, Libra. A brilliant idea for a side-hustle or the offer of a job or contract that is perfect for you, could net you extra income. Have travel plans? You might want to double check them, as changes might scupper them. From midweek, positive vibes inspire you to reach out to others who share your ideas and ideals.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You'll get what you want, and it might be easier than you think, Scorpio. This week there's reason to celebrate, as things seem to go your way. You'll have a chance to indulge, and to enjoy time out that will refresh and recharge you. Ready to ramp-up your love life? Now is the time! Yet one developing bond could prove disappointing. Exit now, as it may not get any better.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A sense of happiness and optimism, could get the week off to a positive start. You'll be ready to accept those things you can't do much about, leaving you more relaxed. And you'll sense that you can do anything you put your mind to, especially once Venus and Mercury head into your sign. Working to resolve a family issue? Differing viewpoints may cause some confusion.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Take advantage of opportunities and invites early in the week, as one encounter could prove lucky for you. From midweek the emphasis shifts to a private zone, and you may appreciate some me-time to get your bearings. Be prepared for delays and confusion, especially at work, as a Mars/Neptune angle suggests misunderstandings can lead to delays. Clarity is essential!

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Be clear on what you want to accomplish, and this will pave the way for you to get there. Good fortune might show up, as an opportunity to enhance your income looks very possible. Your social life sparkles from midweek, as Venus and Mercury inspire you to connect with kindred spirits. Mind, it pays to take it easy money wise. Avoid any risks, even small ones, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A desire to get away from it all could find you booking a quick getaway, and loving every moment. You'll have a chance to indulge your whims, so make the most of it. Goals and ambitions will also be on your mind. It's time to link up with people who can help you achieve them. Have household issues that need attention? Get the experts in, and avoid the DIY route.