Weekly Horoscopes 12th March 2018

Mars is so incredibly influential this week, both forging a fantastic and liberating link to Uranus, and a more challenging one to the New Moon. He also relocates into Capricorn. But with the Sun combining superbly still to the planet of change, Pluto, this can yet be a week of opportunties. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 12th March 2018 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A dramatic link between your guide Mars and Uranus, can see you in the mood to shake things up, and particularly if one situation has not been unfolding as quickly as you'd like. A mixture of quick wits, charm and initiative can though take you far this week, but an old and perhaps sensitive issue can also come up on the back of the New Moon. Ambitions soar by the week's end. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As the Sun and Pluto co-operate, change is in the air, but this doesn't need to be a negative thing, and it's possible that one strand is something that you're driving yourself. But if you do find yourself particularly restless this week, it'd be of little surprise. The great news is that Mars is set to support any hopes you have to expand your situation, and especially by the week's close.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A very sociable set of influences can lead to some spontaneous connections and developments, ones which can absolutely delight you. The New Moon also gives you the chance to push forwards with any career hopes or key goals. But it may be very much a case of who as much as what you know, in order to see these come to fruition. Network wherever possible Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You've a fabulous chance to raise your profile, but in doing so, this may call upon you to step outside what you know well, and to embrace change or new possibilities. One person can continue to be highly supportive, and it's possible this relationship will evolve at quite a pace. With Mars storming into your sector of relating, you can find yourself more assertive from this week on.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your appreciation of familiarity is challenged by planetary influences, encouraging you to go with lots of fresh and new ideas. You may even decide to book a vacation, on quite a spontaneous basis. With Mars and Uranus absolutely buzzing, you can feel charged with energy and in the mood for adventure. Your energy can also be strengthened this week, but do try to pace yourself.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Some kind of evolution can take a further step forwards in your Solar Horoscope situation this week. This may be something you've been working on patiently, but equally, some kind of alteration can happen in a more energetic and surprising way. The new Moon is a chance to recharge your relationships with extra energy, but as it squares with Mars, sensitivity to others is important too Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This can be a fabulous week for relationship interests, with your ruler Venus collaborating with Mercury, highly positively. Your natural diplomacy can be boosted by this, also you can tell people what you want too, especially with Mars's link with Uranus. The New Moon however, does create a lot of nervous energy. The trick will be in not scattering what you have too thinly.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You can show great dexterity this week and in your approach to all sorts of issues. When you're committed to a task, you can really invest a lot of yourself in it, and this and your openness to innovation, can see you mix new ideas with practical solutions. The New Moon could push you to spend money more loosely however. As your ruler Mars moves, physical vitality picks up.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The more your life is varied, often the happier you are, and this week's major aspect between Mars and Uranus, is a perfect vehicle for you to embrace this Archer. Stay mindful of any emotional, family or personal issues or the need for solid foundations and security. There could be a tendency to be a bit reactive around some of these, when patience will serve you best.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Sun's angle to Pluto, in your sign, can see you more confident about some of the key strands you're developing, and about sharing them with those in the know. A surprise is possible within your family, and someone could reveal something that could turn out to be to your advantage. As Mars arrives in your sign, a greater sense of certainty and physical energy will take hold.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your modern ruler Uranus, forges a dramatic angle to Mars. This could see you re-orientate some of your activities in a new and dramatic way, or see you centre stage within an exciting group situation. Your mind can absolutely bubble with different ideas and enthusiasm. Finances look bright too, but you may need to take a more worldly approach to a situation and be less idealistic.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A long term plan can show a lot of positive signs. Then again, you can recognise some changes going on deeper within you, ones that can surprise you. This could see you re-orientate your values or standards somehow. At work, be alert! Something that you have not considered previously, could soar to the heart of your world, but may require you to be very bold indeed.