The Sun squares up to Neptune this week, and this can amply and accentuate sensitivities. Yet around any situation we are unsure of, Saturn provides its firm support, asking us to be detached and methodical. This is because its angle to the Sun can be constructive, and can help us to seek information sources or connections which are reliable and clear. This is very important, for Mercury in Capricorn does also enter its pre Retrograde Shadow period from Monday. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may have a job to do, but as you try to get on with it you might be distracted by background dreams, fantasies and yearnings. Intense focus could be shattered by a need for something that can take you away from everyday life and transport you somewhere else. If you know this, you can make time for both. Intersperse more serious tasks with a chance to drift, dance and create. {copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Someone you have eyes for could become more than a heavenly vision this week, as powerful influences hint that being with them can take you out of this world. You may find yourself in new territory as you bond more deeply with them. You might traverse new ground together, and it could be a truly romantic experience. Keep the memories, so you don't come back to earth too fast.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you view the energies around you like a rhythm that you'll need to attune to, you could do very well. At work or when engaged in important discussions, allow yourself to feel powerful. Your actions will reveal your confidence that success is yours. When with others you can let your impish dual personality out to entertain and fascinate. Avoid mixed messages though, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Love and romance or a powerful relationship can dominate this week, and override all other considerations. You may find it difficult to get someone out of your head, not that you want to. But know that they might take up a lot of bandwidth. When it comes to living life and getting things done, your mind can tend to wander. Bargain with it, and it could become a helpful friend.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be ready to take your health seriously, and to have this approach filter into your home environment, life, diet, exercise and mindset. What you absorb on all levels needs to feel good and empowering. Plus, expressing your creativity or romancing might be another matter, as you'll draw on more subtle essences to fire up your imagination as you share your feelings for another.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be ready to pour everything you've got into a creative project or entrepreneurial idea. And your romantic escapades could be intense and transformative. You might emerge from this week changed in some way. This isn't the best time for you and your partner to make a decision, as it can be way off beam. By next week you'll wonder what you were thinking. Wait a while!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You could be a tad obsessed with getting the right gadget, appliance or other item for your home. Or a family issue may require your focus, as you aim to sort it out. Lateral thinking might reveal some great ideas. With more confusing influences on the go too, part of the week can be taken up with plans that could fizzle out. Let your imagination soar, but don't make any promises.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Conversations you hold could have therapeutic value, and leave you or another feeling uplifted. Even so, you may need to explore some edgy corners to reach this level of relief. But if you go there, you'll know that it's time. Go easy around money though, which could slip through your fingers on all sorts of entertainment and fripperies. Conscious spending is the way to go.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
What value do you put on various aspects of your life such as the things you own, the relationships you have and the goals you nurture? Such thoughts may be on your mind. Have you given more value to things that aren't that important? If so, this realization can encourage you to reset your priorities. Go easy this week too, as a family issue might not be all it seems, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your friends and your social life could take on a serious tone. Conversations can lead to plans that are admirable, but that will take work and commitment if you're to get results. A romance might take a deeper dive too. You may also discover that you have a blind spot. This could be a revelation, as you'll finally understand why some things keep going wrong, and what to do about it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your gut feeling to follow a course of action is good, and should be taken seriously, Aquarius. You'll have the chance to make an impact, and this is the time to go for it. There could be a hint of controversy about what you are doing, but this is something you'll be ready to embrace. Plus, you might be unwittingly short-changed. If someone makes you an offer, scrutinize it carefully.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A relationship, friendship or other connection may perk up this week, and could lead to a decision that moves things forward. What you are about to embark on might be a long-term project, but what you'll get back can be invaluable. On another note, a dream of achieving something is not the same as doing it and enjoying the results. Time to make a start and you will get there!