Finally Mercury returns to Sagittarius, but the dreamy and potentially draining link between Mars and Neptune continues to midweek. Brightly Venus makes two fine angles, and sincerity in relationships can be rewarded. Also the Sun and Pluto forge a really helpful semi-sextile, suggesting enterprise linked to responsibility can also do well. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 10th December 2018 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With mindful Mercury returning to your zone of far horizons, your curiosity concerning travel and possibly history or philosophy, can ramp up. The desire for fresh opportunities can focus your mind on possibilities that encourage you to be bold and daring. The weekend though, can see you in a more practical frame of mind, so look to combine the two areas where possible.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you can invest time and energies wisely Taurus, the returns can be encouraging. This week though, the planet of talk and thought once more activates your sector of shared assets and business. You may need to speculate to accumulate, but with lovely Venus aligned with cautious Saturn, you can find a fine balance which can see you do well.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Good fortune can come through the people you know and from those you haven't yet met, who may have heard good things about you. Interactions with others can be promising and lead to opportunities, new connections and perhaps to a collaboration. Over the weekend, encouragement can come from people with wisdom in areas currently sparking your interest.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Are you happy with the way your days are panning out? If not, then the presence of upbeat planets, including lively Mercury returning to Sagittarius, can set you thinking. The Quarter Moon can also inspire you to reach for new ideas and solutions or to consider signing up with a mentor or life coach who can help you reach your full potential. Be open to change Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As dynamic Mars continues its journey through an intense zone and detaches from nebulous Neptune, you may have clear ideas about how to tackle a money matter or romantic issue. The focus on creativity is also emphasized, inspiring you to learn a new skill or hone a talent, and to derive pleasure from doing so. A formal event this weekend could benefit you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may hear from people keen to visit, or even an impromptu pop in. Family festive get-togethers can also be discussed. Although close relationships may demand your attention, setting boundaries is key. The weekend can bring an opportunity to discuss a plan or to conclude a matter in a business-like way. Your solar horoscope suggests that once sorted, lighter strands can engage you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The coming week looks set to be busy, as you may have arrangements to make for the coming holidays as well as buying gifts and sending out cards. There may also be calls to make and people to see, but you can derive a lot of satisfaction from all this. Luscious Venus aspects stern Saturn over the weekend, but this can help you to be prudent with your expenditure.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you are going to be gift shopping, then with the movement of savvy Mercury into your money zone, value for money presents can appeal. It might also help if you set yourself a limit, otherwise you could spend more than is necessary. The weekend has a quieter slant, but if you are entertaining others who share your interests, it could be enjoyable nevertheless.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As expressive Mercury powers back into your sign and joins Jupiter and the Sun, there may be no stopping you when it comes to getting things moving. You'll be keen to share your enthusiasm with others, and this can make you popular socially. Saturn does continue to make you mindful of the worth of things, but imagination around gifts can still see you impress loved ones.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You can feel in a more reserved space, or prefer to help at a festive, charitable event. But you will have a wonderful appreciation of the more traditional side of the Christmas run up. Very close friends, who really understand you, can be a source of great comfort. Someone who hasn't been in touch for some while, could also come powerfully to mind Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With bubbly planetary activity in your social and friendship sector, chances are you'll be much in demand, and may enjoy mixing and mingling more than for many a Moon. However, your people and networking skills can also be relevant professionally, and this could lead to an opportunity. Past sacrifices and commitment can come back to you now Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may find yourself in the limelight, giving you a chance to showcase your talents and raise your profile. With feisty Mars moving away from your co-ruler the ethereal energies of Neptune, you can feel truly reinvigorated and ready for greater responsibilities or to set goals. You can find yourself reassuring or encouraging a younger family member as the week winds down.