Venus moves into the deep and passionate Scorpio and by the week's end joins with the planet of plenty, Jupiter for the first time in this zodiac sign for twelve years. Things could get seriously sensual on the back of this, or will it be finances which benefit? For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 6th November 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You can find yourself particularly curious as this week begins, and this could see you checking out travel possibilities, or even some form of study or higher education. By the end of this month, you may find yourself much more informed about a subject than at its beginning. With Venus moving signs, joint finances can strengthen or a romance become much more passionate. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Bringing greater harmony to all sorts of interactions can become an important part of the rest of this month. Your listening skills are part and parcel of this, and the more you can tune into other people's viewpoints or try to understand their motivations, the more you can find greater areas of cooperation. If you still feel restless, try to understand why, rather than just enduring this Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mercury, your ruler, moves into your opposite sign, and this is known as being in detriment in a Horoscope. Therefore you're going to have to work hard at being clear in all you mean and say during the next three weeks. The best way to achieve this, is by double checking that other people have the same understanding of arrangements as yourself. Also, try hard not to scatter your energies as the week ends.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may decide to give yourself a glamorous new makeover this week, and it could be because opportunities to impress at work are set to develop for you. Thinking more seriously about the qualities you have is going to be part of the process this month, but equally other people can scrutinise what you do more carefully. Fortunately, your social situation can be revived also from now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Quarter Moon in your zodiac sign this week, suggests that some powerful energies can be stirred, and especially when it comes to expressing your individuality. People close to you, or one person in particular, may seem less persuaded by a plan you have. However, if you can do anything to beautify your home or to make it more comfortable, this can prove to be inspiring.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ruler relocates into a new location as this week begins. Mercury in your 4th Solar House, calls upon you to integrate your thinking with your feeling, and as this planet is also challenged in this part of your situation, this may require some care. One relationship can though benefit from you saying how you really feel. Ties with a sibling or someone in your community, can improve.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If finances have been a little tight, you can expect a stroke of good luck this week. Whether this is finding some money down the back of the sofa or something more substantial, it can really delight. Your appreciation of the good things in life is also set to be accentuated. As Mercury moves into your sector of everyday conversation, expect an increase in text messages and emails.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With Venus moving into your zodiac sign, many uncertainties that you've been experiencing in your relationship sector, whilst may not be completely at an end, can be looked at in a new way. The intense period of reflection that she has created of late can give a sense of, if not new beginnings, new possibilities or ways of being. This would be a good time to scrutinise your finances too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With Mercury joining your sign on the first day of this week, any project that has meandered somewhat, could now gain greater traction. In fact, by the end of this month one strand can become very important indeed. Even so, there may be times in the next couple of weeks when you find yourself uncharacteristically more reticent to join in with social possibilities or group activities.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The chance to enjoy pleasurable options can emerge for you around your work environment. Of course, we are moving into the part of the year where it is the season to be jolly, and there may be opportunities to join in with gatherings in this way. You can also find yourself thinking very seriously about what you want from your future. If this should involve a cash investment, look to garner advice.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You can find yourself re-engaging with a strand in your situation that has been important in the past. This month is set to be telling in this regard, and by the last week you may decide to completely commit to it or move on to something different. Someone who is influential in your world can also show greater interest in what you're trying to achieve and be very encouraging.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The chance to re-train or deepen the skills you already have, can be created by this week's planetary activity. There can be lots of options for you to pursue, but the Quarter Moon suggests that it's going to be important to know where to invest time and where not. If you can give yourself permission to do something less routine, then do, for this can prove to be very therapeutic for you.