Today’s Horoscope
Tuesday 25th March
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Speak up or stay silent? You may be weighing up the pros and cons, wondering if you should say it like it is. Here’s a cosmic hint, you’re on the right track. Truth, delivered sensitively, can work wonders. Keeping it under your hat might seem safer, but if handled wisely, your words could strengthen bonds. Honesty isn’t just the best policy – it’s your path to progress.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Monday 24th March
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Feeling stuck? Talk about what troubles you, as it could kickstart a new and positive shift, Virgo. As the Sun and chatty Mercury link up in Aries, you’ll sense the need for change. Instead of focusing solely on external factors, consider shifting your mindset. A switch in attitude holds transformative power, offering the relief you crave and leading to much brighter horizons.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Wednesday 26th March
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Speaking the truth could be your power move. You might be tempted to keep the peace by avoiding difficult conversations, but real growth comes from honesty, not tiptoeing around. If something’s been weighing on your heart, now’s the time to say it with care, but without fear. Rocking the boat won’t sink the relationship but silence might, so speak with sincerity, Virgo.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 24th March
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
One phase of life could be ending, making space for something new and different. Go with your instincts, as positive changes are on the way. There’s more, as ethereal Neptune drifts into Aries meaning energy becomes subtle, offering an opportunity for profound spiritual growth. An inner revolution gives you a chance to redefine yourself at the core. It’s a journey of surrender.
March Monthlies Horoscope
March Monthlies
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The powerful Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th, coincides with your ruler Mercury going Retrograde the next day. But it’s strict Saturn which will have the greatest impact, and there could be some important developments around relationships in the next six months. You can find yourself being firmer, or people being firmer with you. But the converse can be true, and if there’s someone who you really bond with, personally or professionally, a big commitment can follow. But it might not come right away, so patience and sharpening up your listening skills are key.