Today’s Horoscope

Thursday 13th March

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today’s Moon Jupiter energies suggest not letting rigid expectations limit your social circle. Shared values are great, but a mixed field of thought and experience can be even better. If you’re only seeking friends who think exactly like you, you might be missing out on incredible connections. Enriching relationships may come from those who challenge and expand your perspective.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Wednesday 12th March

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Welcome the chance to embrace all of you, even the parts you usually keep in the shadows. There is potential hidden in your fears, doubts and past struggles, but only if you’re willing to mine for them. Instead of resisting, lean in. What lessons are waiting there? Self-acceptance can be healing now, and by owning every facet of yourself, you can transform heaviness into strength.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Friday 14th March

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today’s turbo-charged Full Moon can highlight your current financial situation. Whatever you think about it, avoid impulsive buying as a way to sidestep a deeper issue. While this lunar phase could leave you either elated or underwhelmed with the way things are, it can motivate you to take firm action. One good declutter might provide endless items you could sell and profit from.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 10th March

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your past holds keys to your future. An old idea, connection or opportunity may resurface, offering fresh potential. Pay attention to déjà vu moments, as they’re nudging you towards something significant. The Eclipse might tempt you to spend as a way to soothe discomfort around a key issue. True resolution comes from facing emotions, not swiping your card.

March Monthlies Horoscope

March Monthlies

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There’s a lot of cosmic action in the part of your chart to do with breaking out and being more spontaneous. And as the old saying goes, change can be as good as a rest. But don’t be too quick to make any big decisions, because you could find yourself changing your mind right throughout March. Perhaps what you’re craving most for is some excitement and a new adventure. However, it can sometimes only be clear what we have, once we don’t have it! So, enjoy experimenting but do keep your options open, Leo.

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