Today’s Horoscope

Monday 24th March

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An intense desire to communicate may stir within you, urging you to share something deeply personal. With the Sun and the rewinding Mercury converging in a spiritual zone, you’ll be compelled to speak out. Your words have power, so by openly discussing your experiences you’ll offer support to others facing similar challenge. You’ll also shed light on some important issues.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Sunday 23rd March

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Get ready to consolidate the gains you’ve made over the past weeks. With a potent Sun/Pluto link on the astral cards, this is a great opportunity to impress those in authority and let them know what you’re capable of. You need to keep at it, as consistent effort will win the day. Don’t ignore a creative idea that could put you ahead of everyone if you have the courage to follow through.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Tuesday 25th March

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An unusual insight sparks your curiosity. It may seem illogical at first and too wild and unconventional, but don’t dismiss it just yet. The universe is nudging you to think outside the box. Research your options, dig into the details but keep an open mind. Change often arrives disguised as uncertainty. What seems strange today could easily be tomorrow’s breakthrough.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 24th March

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A fresh start is brewing deep within you. A powerful inner shift is underway, urging you to shed old limits and step into your full potential. Along with this week’s Eclipse, Neptune glides into a quiet zone, inspiring you to be mindful of the unseen forces shaping your thoughts and actions. Awareness is power Taurus, so steer your dreams instead of being led by fleeting emotions.

March Monthlies Horoscope

March Monthlies

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you have any doubts lingering in the back of your mind about a personal relationship, be it a current one or about an old flame, they can be strongly triggered this March. In fact, all sorts of connections could be tested, particularly in week two when the Sun aligns with Saturn. Watch out for those people who have your back, because there can, unfortunately, be other fairer weather friends who get revealed. You’re entering a time when your spiritual and emotional needs are highlighted. By the month’s end however, a reunion can prove moving.


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