Tower Tarot Card Keywords

Sudden change, unexpected events, revelations, learning to adapt, a shock.

Tower Tarot Card Description

They don’t build ‘em like they used to – just as well! The building inspector is going to have a word or two to say about this. Fortunately, the two folks at the bottom of the tower don’t seem to have had too far to fall. Then again, it doesn’t really seem to be anyone’s fault, the whole thing is the result of a bolt from the blue, or in this case yellow.

Upright Meaning

A change is about to enter your life, this is something over which you will have absolutely no control, nor are you likely to see it coming. Fortunately, as long as you are willing to keep an open mind, you can find that once the dust has settled, it has all been for the best. The Tower has the ability to be a very liberating card, tearing us free from our moorings and pushing us out to explore new and vastly different horizons. This sudden change can lead to you developing a whole new set of ideas and principles. When it comes to romance, you may find old emotional ties unraveling, which, although disconcerting at first, can turn out to be truly liberating. Of course, very few people relish such an upheaval in their lives, and when you find yourself in the thick of what may seem to be utter chaos, it is understandable that you may feel confused, lost and stressed. Such feelings are reasonable, but keep the beacon of hope glowing in your heart and you will come through the storm. The Tower is associated with unexpected and dramatic change, but this powerful card also reminds us that how we react to the challenges that we face will direct their future outcome for better or worse.

Reversed Meaning

Sudden and disruptive changes are likely to enter your world. They may seem to be particularly unpleasant and cause you great concern. Yet, just as spring follows winter, so the future can be brighter. Unfortunately, the issues involved will not resolve themselves particularly quickly, but do not give up. When The Tower is reversed, patience will have its own reward. Indeed, as long as you are able to remain calm and work through the difficulties, The Tower represents you could find that actually, and as strange as it may seem, the whole situation has worked for the best, and you are in a much better position than you could ever have been before the dramatic change occurred. When you have sailed through the choppy waters represented by the reversed Tower, you can be sure you will have learnt much more about your own strengths and found some true friends.


A dramatic turn of events has left you reeling, there was nothing you could have done to prevent this, and it was outside your control. Perhaps what shocked you most was that all your defence systems were overridden, leaving you feeling vulnerable. But this was really an opportunity for liberation, a chance to move forward. Take it with both hands.


At the moment you feel as if you’re caught-up in a whirlwind. Everything is changing and chaos seems to reign. But try to stop, catch your breath, and look around. Yes, there is a good deal of change around you, and most of it is beyond your control, but this fresh start could offer opportunities you’ve never dreamt were possible.


A person or event is waiting in the wings that can radically change aspects of your life. Furthermore, there will be very little you can do about it. But do try not to worry. Once you get over the initial surprise you might realise that this is a golden opportunity, liberating you from the past and allowing you to explore new avenues.

The Tower Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Sudden changes, unexpected events, revelations, learning to adapt, a shock.

The Tower Love Tarot Card Description

Upright Meaning

The Tower presages change and sudden change at that, which is great if you are single as someone is about to burst into your life. Unfortunately, any relationship built on weak foundations could find itself collapsing like the tower on the card. If your relationship is going through a sticky patch you will need to decide if you have the will and commitment to make it work or if it is time to part.

Reversed Meaning

In general, most of us resist change, but sometimes it is essential. You need to deal with any issues dogging your relationship, of course it might cause ructions now but it will save bigger problems later. You need to keep channels of communication clear, particularly as you may suffer from some niggling feelings that might make you snappy. Similarly, boredom or the need for attention might make you particularly tiresome to you partner, taking your moods out on them is neither fair nor constructive. Single or partnered you may find a previous relationship is impacting on your view of the world and your behaviour towards others.

The reversed Tower can see you breaking free of old habits, this could mean you are ready to leave a relationship that you have outgrown or it could mean you are willing to try new ideas and be more flexible in your choice of date.


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