Moon Tarot Card Keywords

Secrets, the subconscious, delusion, introspection, unrealistic, psychic abilities, exaggeration.

Moon Tarot Card Description

Strange things are afoot. Under the light of the Moon two dogs bay, and a lobster leaves the depths to bask in the moonlight. The effects of The Moon are felt everywhere as its beams radiate onto the city and countryside below, and even into the underwater environment.

Upright Meaning

What makes you feel safe and secure? With The Moon in your tarot reading, it can be hard to feel sure, what is normally comforting to you can seem a cause for concern. The reason for this is that The Moon pulls feelings from our subconscious and the shadow side of our personalities and forces them out into the light. When the Moon appears upright, it invites you to explore these feelings further, and to dive deep into your psyche. This tends to mean this is an ideal time to address any issues requiring counselling. When The Moon turns up in your tarot spread, you can be sure nothing is quite as it seems, muddles and misunderstandings seem to become mandatory. The reason for this mayhem is that someone is not being truthful. Now, it could be that it is you who is deluding yourself regarding a given situation, or it could be that someone else has pulled the wool over your eyes; this in turn could leave you feeling disillusioned and depressed. Don’t despair all is not lost! If you feel trapped in a peasouper of doubt, ditch logic and use your intuition to guide you towards the light. If you still feel you can’t see the wood for the trees, a consultation with a friendly psychic could help you find a clearing in your forest of confusion. Talking of intuition, The Moon also encourages you to power up your own psychic skills by attending development circles, learning meditation techniques or simply dropping into your favourite New Age emporium to see what is on offer.

Reversed Meaning

Confused? If not, you soon will be. When The Moon appears upside-down in a tarot reading, it points to muddles and mistakes. The reason for this is your emotional state. It could well be that you are so wrapped up in what you feel, you’ve totally neglected to consider what you think. Could it be time to force your inner drama queen to abdicate? You may also find you are rather insecure and have decided you don’t fit in or belong anywhere – but is this really the case? The Moon suggests that you need to be careful regarding the honesty of others. This could mean that a lover will be unfaithful or that someone has their beady eye on your belongings.


You seem to have been feeling vulnerable and even alienated, without knowing why. Perhaps you have tried to ignore the truth of a matter and managed to deceive yourself concerning a situation. None of this has been particularly helpful in achieving goals and could have been holding you back. Address these issues and you can move on to better things.


You’re a bit confused as to what to do next, be it with love, loot or life in general. Your fears seem to be holding you back and the way forward is to try and think what these fears are, and why they developed. On a much more positive note, your intuition is spot on right now, so do use it to your advantage.


It appears someone close to you will be rather flexible in regard to honesty. It could just be that you are fooling yourself, but partners and friends could be involved. Things will become complex perhaps because you’ll be so wrapped up in your own emotions that you will find it hard to be rational. Fortunately, your intuition will guide you.

The Moon Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Secrets, lies, exaggeration, follow your gut feeling, serendipity, delusion, disillusionment.

The Moon Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Have you been mooning over someone? If so things are probably going to get complicated, there are as many mysterious currents around them as the Bermuda Triangle and who knows what will appear or disappear. You are going to have to trawl around to discover what is lying at the bottom of this particular ocean as nothing in this sea of love is what it seems. Perhaps you are not sure about your true feelings or motivations. Try and get in touch with you intuition, what do you feel is going on? Have you become embittered by past disappointments to such a point you simply can’t accept anything could be this good? It may be you need to look at your own reflection, is it you or your partner that is being unreasonable – be honest now. Oh, I can see you singles smirking in the corner there, but you might like to ask yourselves the same question, are you really unlucky in finding a partner or are you reacting in a way that puts people off, perhaps by appearing too needy or desperate? Could it be that you are looking for an authority figure rather than a lover? Alternatively, is the person you think of as perfect for you all they seem, or do you have a niggling doubt? If you’re not sure your subconscious could be desperately sending out warning signals to stay away.

Reversed Meaning

You seem to feel confused and unsure of what you need to do to keep love alive, or perhaps you doubt the devotion of your dreamboat. Things might not be as they appear: do you have all the facts? Your intuition should provide some emotional insights. One partner could be hiding the truth from the other, this may not be sinister but done with the best of intentions unfortunately this does little to help address the situation. The truth, however unpalatable, is essential.

Single souls need to take a reality check. Is the apple of your eye all they are cracked up to be or does that delicious looking exterior hide a rotten core? OK, they may not be a bad person but are they really suitable for you, or have you just decided you want them to be? A bit of caution is definitely a good idea.


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