Hanged Man Tarot Card Keywords

Willing sacrifice, attainment, progress, boredom, changing priorities, a new approach.

Hanged Man Tarot Card Description

This must be one of the oddest cards in the tarot deck, this poor chap is all topsy turvy, hanging from his heel he certainly gets to view the world in a different way. Still, he doesn’t seem unduly worried by his rather strange situation as he hangs there quite contentedly.

Upright Meaning

Everything is strange about The Hanged Man, not only is the image peculiar, but the message it conveys is odd and complex too. In its simplest form, The Hanged Man tells you that you are facing a crossroads and you need to take a step back to consider what issues are involved and what your next move should be. This can also mean that you will be able to get out of a rut you have been in for a while. When it comes to a tricky relationship, The Hanged Man suggests that there will be a cessation of hostilities – at least for a time. You may also need to ask yourself, is it the other person who is causing the contretemps or are you getting to enjoy playing the victim? The Hanged Man is about sacrifice. He asks you to consider if you are willing to give something up, however, this act needs to be done in the right spirit and not for show. The Hanged Man often suggests that the time may have come for approaching the world in a different way; releasing old values and customs which, although they have served you well in the past, are becoming outmoded. So far, so sensible, yet now The Hanged Man suggests you do something very odd indeed. If you want to move forward, he advises you take the path which, at first sight, seems least likely to produce results. Let’s imagine you want to put your name forward for promotion, The Hanged Man suggests you are more likely to reach that goal if you don’t add your name to the list. The more you want something, the more you need to give up that desire, only then, will you get the very thing you wanted in the first place. When The Hanged Man hangs around your reading, the suggestion is you are far more likely to reach your goals if you take actions which seem contrary to the fulfilment of your ambitions.

Reversed Meaning

A change is as good as a rest. And although it is often true that tried and tested methods are helpful, they can also become tired and rusty. It may be time to replace your old and worn ideas with something more up to the minute. Equally, whilst we all have to be practical, it could be you’ve been a bit too materialistic of late, and your spiritual side has been left to shiver and starve in the cold – it’s time to put some zing back into your life by changing your priorities.


You have been shouldering some emotional baggage, and it’s been a painful load. But it belongs in the past and it’ll ease with time. Recently the load has decreased a little. This is because you have already started to release the past and begun living in the here and now. Time to move forward – keep up your good work.


If you have found yourself in something of a rut, you’ll be pleased to know this is about to change. It maybe that you have choices to make. Stand back and explore the options carefully. In relationships conflicts subside. Consider carefully, sacrifices may be necessary and this could be for the best. Just make sure you are not being manipulated.


The Hanged Man is a strange card in that it asks you to do the opposite to what seems the most obvious course of action. To get what you desire, you need to forget you ever wanted it. The Hanged Man suggests you’ll experience a dramatic change of heart, so there will be a period of re-adjustment in your life soon.

The Hanged Man Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Willing sacrifice, changing priorities, a new approach, meeting a new crowd, explore new romantic experiences.

The Hanged Man Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Hanging upside-down from a tree by your toes is not a particularly romantic image – well, unless you’re particularly adventurous or athletic but the Hanged Man still has something to say to us about love. The Hanged Man is all about sacrifice which isn’t really what we like to think about when we think of romance but if we tone things down a bit and consider the notion of give and take we might be nearer the mark. The Hanged Man encourages us to realise just what a gift it is to share your life with someone special and that as part of this we need to keep our egos under control (that certainly doesn’t mean losing ourselves in someone else’s ego though).

When the Hanged Man appears singletons need to be willing to let fate take a hand in their amorous affairs. You may find that you don’t get the person you desire but you will get the person you need, and in the long run your life will be better for it. If you are looking for love you may need to forego old habits, for example, if you are normally drawn to tall slim extrovert brunettes you may find that a short, plump, shy blonde will be your ideal match.

Whether you are single or not the Hanged Man reminds you to accept your partner or potential partner as they are with all their foibles and if you can’t do that you may have to move on.

Reversed Meaning

What are you waiting for? You’re as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Stop and take a deep breath, feeling better? Good, now you are in a much better state to make some decisions or take the relevant action. Wait until you have calmly considered your options before you charge ahead with a panicked response. Don’t let your lack of confidence make you become too dependent on your partner. Be brave, face the fact you may need to free yourself from long held beliefs. It may even be necessary to call time on your relationship. If this is the case don’t let fear of loneliness hold you back.

Sometimes the Hanged Man warns you not to be too accommodating; you don’t have to bow to your partner’s every whim to keep them with you, or if you do there is something seriously wrong. Recognise your own value as a human being – you are not your lover’s servant.

Single types need to ensure they are not falling into the trap of believing anything is better than nothing; it’s not.


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