Judgement Tarot Card Keywords

Natural change, making the right choice, progression, new ideas, achievement, decisions, re-evaluating.

Judgement Tarot Card Description

An angel blows a trumpet whilst three figures gaze skyward. The rather strange image on this card comes from the medieval Christian notion of The Last Judgement, when the dead were supposed to physically leave the tomb to be judged by God.

Upright Meaning

You may find that you need to work out the truth of the matter and make a decision, but this does not mean you need to judge yourself or those around you. This is the ideal time to break free from previous ideas and patterns of behaviour which may have served their purpose. This could mean you will find yourself moving away from familial and cultural values. This may lead to you reassessing your relationships, which can mean you start afresh, let go of the past and stop fretting about your previous actions. In the future, you are likely to discover that you may have to face facts rather than doing an imitation of an ostrich wearing sunglasses. Don’t sit on the fence, because you know if you do, you’ll get splinters and you can guess where. Once you’ve made up your mind, you will be able to develop new opportunities. The result will be that you should feel a weight being lifted from your shoulders and you’ll be able to forgive either yourself or someone else for past errors. Judgement suggests a change, as events reach a natural conclusion. As a result, a major decision could herald a new phase of your life. If you find yourself facing an important choice – relax; as long as you are conscientious in your thoughts and actions, the result will be the right one.

Reversed Meaning

Are you feeling a little bit guilty about something, or perhaps you feel someone is judging you? Whilst it is reasonable to try to look over the past with the idea of learning from past mistakes, you might like to consider if there are actually any serious errors to consider. The question is, are you in the wrong, or are you taking on too much responsibility for someone else’s happiness? You may even feel that you have not achieved as much as you could have done. Reversed Judgement also indicates a change, but it is not a smooth progression. After the event you may find that you have a number of regrets, feel you have left something dear to you behind, or question whether you could have managed the situation better in some way. The question is, are these feelings really justified? In truth, there is little point in regretting your actions, whatever you had or had not done, there would have been some price to pay. Fortunately, the outcome will be positive in the longer term.


Have you been feeling a little bit guilty about something recently? Or is it that awful feeling someone is judging you? Think about this calmly. Are you really in the wrong, or is it that you’re taking too much responsibility for others? Perhaps you’ve been accepting things the way they are, when you might have been happier exploring new ideas.


It might be that the time has come to release old attitudes and this could be in relation to family, morals or a lover. You have begun to have new insights into relationship matters, this is a good time to start afresh, drop the past, and accept and take responsibility for your own actions. Just don’t try to play the blame game.


You just can’t hide from the facts – however you feel about them. But at least you will be able to express your opinions, make choices and grab opportunities. You’ll feel a sense of relief after everything is out in the open. This will also mean that you will feel that you can forgive yourself and others for past errors.

Judgement Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

The right choice, progression in relationships, re-evaluating a relationship.

Judgement Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

It seems that the court is in session and that your love life is in the dock. That is actually a bit harsh but it might be a good time to take stock of your relationship and see if it needs the odd tweak. It may well be that it is fine and you and your partner are very aware of each other’s needs but if this is not the case this is the ideal time to make some changes. You will soon reap the harvest you have sown but also try to learn from past mistakes and move forward in a positive way.

Situations can change fairly rapidly when Judgement appears in a spread, so if you are single a change is on the way and you are likely to find a partner in the near future. Even if you have recently broken from a relationship you may be surprised to find how quickly you will return to the dating scene.

Reversed Meaning

Are you or your lover prone to being a fusspot? Must everything in your world be faultless before you are satisfied? How can you hope to be happy if you refuse to be realistic? You may have to moderate your search for perfection.

Loneliness is one of the worst feelings in the world, and sometimes it is worse when you are with someone. If you are lonely despite being in a relationship you need to talk things through with your partner. It may be that one of you has stronger romantic feelings than the other. Singles need to be cautious around a new potential partner; they may be commitment-o-phobes or unwilling to compromise.

You may find that your emotional situation is changing and there may be little you can do to control events. This could mean a relationship is drawing to a close. Judgement requires you to look at your situation honestly, if you don’t face the truth you will regret it later.


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