Death Tarot Card Keywords

Change, outgrowing a situation, new beginnings, release, parting, accepting the inevitable.

Death Tarot Card Description


It looks like someone could do with a good square meal, still, those folks around him seem to have lost their heads and one or two other body parts. This is the kind of tarot card that could give you the jitters, but is it really that ominous?

Upright Meaning

There’s no need to watch cartoons instead  of epic films, the appearance of Death does not mean you or your loved ones are at any more risk of dying anytime soon than anyone else. Actually, despite his grim visage, Death is quite a cheery chap. When Death appears in a tarot spread, it does imply that something is going to change, this could be a relationship, a job, your abode or even something as intangible as a set of beliefs. You may be well aware that this is going to happen, but are edgy about what happens next. Well, that’s understandable, most of us like to know where we stand, but why assume the change is for the worse? It is just as possible that the relationship that ends is replaced by a better one, you lose one job only to be promoted to a better position, or your new home is much pleasanter than your previous location. On the other hand, Death could be telling you that this is the ideal time to implement a change you may have wished to make for a while. If you can pluck up the courage to take this step, you are likely to benefit in the long run. When Death appears upright, he is telling us it is time to walk away from the past and embrace an exciting and fulfilling future.

Reversed Meaning

In the words of Bob Dylan ‘The times they are a changing,’ and there is not much you can do to stop them. In point of fact resistance is useless, if you dig your heels in all you’ll get for your trouble is sore ankles, so it’s better to go with the flow. Once you decide to move with the cosmos instead of working against it, the results can be very impressive and better than you could ever have imagined if you’d followed your old routine. This is also a good time to see things as they really are, instead of holding on to past impressions. It could well be that in all the turmoil and excitement that surrounds you, you can’t quite see the wood for the trees, and this has you feeling confused as to your next move. When Death appears reversed, it is likely that another stage of your journey is about to begin, don’t let fear hold you back.


It’s extremely unlikely that this card refers to a physical death, but there have been some big changes in your life. How have you dealt with them? Have you been worried by change and been too frightened to explore the new possibilities it brings? Perhaps you feel confused about what will happen next. Relax, everything is fine.


Don’t worry. This is not as bad as you think! This has nothing to do with physical death. It suggests you’re going through changes. The question is how to implement them, you might want to change a relationship or make a career move, but you’re concerned about the consequences. Whatever you decide, standing still is not an option.


Don’t panic, this card does not mean you’re going to die. Actually, life is going to be very busy for you. You’re entering a period of change. This might be a career change, moving home, or changes in your love life. Remember, as one door closes, another will swing open. So, be prepared to explore the future with gusto.

Death Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Outgrowing a relationship, new relationships, parting, accepting the inevitable, a relationship changes.

Death Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Well, here’s a cheery soul, at least his face or rather his skull is smiling. The notion of Death and love turns our thoughts to Romeo and Juliet, Heathcliff and Kathy or Anthony and Cleopatra, it’s all very grand but most of us would prefer a quieter (and longer) scenario for ourselves. Our skeletal friend doesn’t really inspire confidence does he? Yet he should. Death represents gentle and natural end of one phase and the start of something better. Those who have a partner may find that the bluster of the early stages of a romance is calming down and transforming into something deeper and much more profound. If your love has lost some of its life force Death encourages you to take a new approach to your situation, old solutions won’t work but a new approach can reanimate your relationship. Yes for a few people he can signify the end of a relationship although this is very seldom the result of an actual bereavement. If the romantic aspect of your relationship is no longer functioning it may be time to call it a day and move on, however, with Death in the spread you may still remain the best of friends.

Single folk may find that their circumstances are changing at that this is making room for new romantic opportunities.

With Death in a reading a major change is likely but if you accept this and make the most of your situation the change can be one for the better.

Reversed Meaning

It’s time for a change but you might be dragging your feet, this is understandable when it comes to finishing a romantic liaison, but if you just want to improve your relationship you may have to face the need for a new approach. If it is time for you to move on: do so. You are better off alone than in a relationship that has ceased to function. If you are single you may need to look at some of your attitudes or the way you present yourself, try not to dwell in the past but look forward to the future. If this is difficult, turn to a friend for support or even contact a councillor.

Death asks you to be brave and make some changes, some might be fairly minor whilst others can seem gargantuan, either way, when the changes have been made your life will begin to flow freely once more.


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