Today’s Horoscope

Monday 24th March

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Facing a dilemma? Fresh perspectives may illuminate the best course of action. Look for someone who you know you can trust, as their insights might help reveal what you really want, and the answer might surprise you. Listen to your intuition too, and you’ll easily navigate any challenges. You don’t have to be a perpetual tower of strength, it’s okay to be vulnerable too.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Sunday 23rd March

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If productivity has been an issue, the Sun/Pluto tie which involves your lifestyle sector could be a call to do something. You’ll be very motivated to get to the root of the problem and find a way to resolve it. Plus, it’s an excellent time to set up positive habits that can enhance wellbeing. You could be extremely one-pointed and determined in this regard, once you decide to go ahead.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Tuesday 25th March

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Do your routines need a refresh? The way you start your day sets the tone, and a few intentional tweaks could spark a shift in your well-being and home life. Small steps, new habits, different priorities and fresh perspectives can have a ripple effect. This isn’t just about schedules, it’s also about energy, mindset and balance. Experiment daily and create a routine that supports you.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 24th March

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A turbo-charged New Moon encourages a reset concerning wellness and lifestyle routines. A sudden realisation or event may coincide with a powerful shift, which could lead to dynamic changes to routines. As Neptune coasts into Aries, your drive to serve others intensifies. Your compassion is a gift, but don’t pour from an empty cup. Be sure to give back to yourself too.

March Monthlies Horoscope

March Monthlies

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There’s a lot going down this month Scorpio, but mark week three in your diary, because then Mars, your traditional ruler, angles to Uranus, the planet of fast changes. This can be a really exciting time to go with whatever inspires you, and you could dazzle people in the process. Yet this month also nudges you towards taking your talents more seriously and finding a way to align your creativity with practical and sound structures. There may be some exasperation at times this March too, but the last week could see you enjoying a surprise and uplifting social meet up.

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