Today’s Horoscope
Thursday 13th March
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your natural instinct to keep things private may be very helpful right now. While openness can build connections, be mindful of what you share, especially with someone you don’t know well. Not everyone needs access to your thoughts, plans or feelings. Get to know others better before revealing too much. A little discretion now could save you from complications later, Scorpio.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Wednesday 12th March
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun’s merger with Saturn means this isn’t the best day for candlelit romance, but it’s perfect for launching a serious entrepreneurial idea. While relationships may feel a little heavy, your ambition is laser sharp. If there’s a project, business plan or creative endeavour you’ve been mulling over, now’s the time to lay the groundwork. Passion isn’t just for romance it can fuel success too.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Friday 14th March
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If some of the people you surround yourself with seem less like friends and more like competitors, then mull this fact over. Buried emotions could reveal themselves and you may be surprised that there are those who appear jealous. If you feel that some of these associations are bordering on toxic, you know what to do. It’s time to distance yourself once and for all.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 10th March
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Is it time for a serious rethink? Are your goals, priorities and lifestyle truly aligned with what you want? If not, adjustments are needed. Don’t be afraid to change direction. Meanwhile, the Virgo Lunar Eclipse shines a light on a friendship or social dynamics, and a fresh viewpoint could inspire a solution. Welcome new connections and refocus your energy where it belongs.
March Monthlies Horoscope
March Monthlies
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There’s a lot going down this month Scorpio, but mark week three in your diary, because then Mars, your traditional ruler, angles to Uranus, the planet of fast changes. This can be a really exciting time to go with whatever inspires you, and you could dazzle people in the process. Yet this month also nudges you towards taking your talents more seriously and finding a way to align your creativity with practical and sound structures. There may be some exasperation at times this March too, but the last week could see you enjoying a surprise and uplifting social meet up.