Page of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Creativity, education, news, love, demonstrative, emotion, flirting, dreaming.

Page of Cups Tarot Card Description

In the popular imagination, tarot cards often describe the physical characteristics of a person. I wouldn’t want to claim this is untrue, but they are just as likely to tell us about someone’s character. Physically, the Page of Cups is said to represent a youngster with brown hair and blue or dark coloured eyes.

Upright Meaning

The Page of Cups brings with it the excitement and purity of emotion associated with first love. This is love in its romantic or idealized form, just like you experience in the heady days of a new romance. Not surprising then, that its appearance can suggest that a new squeeze is coming your way. Nevertheless, you need to be realistic, love can be exhilarating, thrilling, passionate and intense, but it will not always be that way. The time will come when your courtly romance will develop into a stable, supportive but less extreme relationship, and you need to be able to accept this. The Page of Cups reminds us of the sensitivity we feel when we first give our heart to the object of our affections. We all recall how a loved one’s smile can make our day, whereas a frown from the beloved can sear our heart. Thus, we are reminded that we need to be sensitive to the needs of our loved ones. This idea can be taken further, as the Page of Cups asks us to remember the power our approval or disapproval can have on others around us, be they youngsters, business partners, friends or colleagues. So, if you have to explain to someone that their great idea isn’t so great, or that their bum really does look elephantine in that outfit, do so gently. If romance is not on your radar, then this is the ideal time to make use of your heightened sensitivity to do something creative. Alternatively, as you swim in the flow of emotional awareness, you should find your intuition is particularly well honed – don’t be frightened to use this to your advantage.

Reversed Meaning

If folks want drama, they can switch on the television, listen to the radio or watch a film. Alternatively, they can hang around and see what you fuss about next – could it be that you are being melodramatic? It is also possible that one of your relationships may be drawing to a close. This need not be romantic, it could refer to a business relationship, a friendship or even that of teacher and pupil. The chances are that you will not have a major disagreement, but you may have simply outgrown each other and it is time to move on.


A romantic relationship has been rocky, and you can't work out why. Think about what you could offer each other; were you really suited? Was one person so sensitive to their own needs they didn't consider the other partner enough?


Romantic and idealised love comes knocking on your door. Your amazing amour is imaginative, sensitive, light hearted and flirtatious. But don't forget the fireworks of first love will change to the glow of a mature relationship. Anticipate this change.


Fantastic flirtatious fun, charming conquests and light-hearted love affairs power into the frame. All of which are exciting and thrilling, but don't forget the fabulous flames of love can't just spark brightly and they need to glow warmly forever.

Page of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Love letters, being loved up, love, demonstrative, emotion, flirting, clinginess.

Page of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

If the Page of Cups represents a person they will be perceptive and emotional with strong intuition. They might well be ‘arty’ and creative with a lovable fun side. If you are looking for love, an invitation could lead to a romantic rendezvous or two. Don’t be surprised if your admirer is a bit younger than you, or at least seems young for their age.

Anyone who is thinking of starting a family should be delighted to see this card as it is traditionally associated with youngsters. Equally, the Page of Cups can point to new beginnings such as moving to your dream home or engagements. Even long term partnerships that have got a bit dull and dusty can sparkle again under his influence.

Reversed Meaning

Is the apple of your eye a bit awkward, short of something to say or simply hesitant? The reason is probably that they are shy. There is no need to try and turn them into a party animal, be kind and tender and they will find a way to show you that they reciprocate.

If you are seeking someone be wary, that person who is full of big ideas and plans may also be full of hot air. They may appear romantic and swashbuckling but in reality they may be a fantasist. Equally, you may risk falling victim to Jack (or Jill) the lad/lass, don’t join the other notches on their bedpost. If you’re not sure listen to your intuition, if you have your reservations you’d be wise to retreat.


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