Monthly Horoscopes March 2025

Monthly Horoscopes for March 2025

Aries 21 March – 20 April

 There’s lots of action in your sign this month Aries, and it can be an opportunity to spring into an exciting new future, but will it actually happen? Why do I ask? Well, because the energies of last month’s New Moon impact March so powerfully, and that’s much more to do with loose ends or old psychological wounds, than the here and now. And with Venus and Mercury tracking backwards in your sign, it can be a case of two steps forward and one step back. And yet a new dawn can come as the month winds down.Â

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

 If you have any doubts lingering in the back of your mind about a personal relationship, be it a current one or about an old flame, they can be strongly triggered this March. In fact, all sorts of connections could be tested, particularly in week two when the Sun aligns with Saturn. Watch out for those people who have your back, because there can, unfortunately, be other fairer weather friends who get revealed. You’re entering a time when your spiritual and emotional needs are highlighted. By the month’s end however, a reunion can prove moving.Â

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

 Your ruler Mercury rewinds from mid month Gemini, and you may find yourself revising some of your long term plans. In fact, the Lunar Eclipse of the 14th suggests world and work pressures can ramp up in the next six months, and finding a balance between your personal needs and this, is going to be a test. And yet the Spring Equinox of the 20th and Solar Eclipse of the 29th, can help you to reset your compass, and in a way which is more fitting for you. Your network and connections to others will be at the heart of this.Â

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

 Who you know as much as what you know, could be crucial this month. You might find yourself reconnecting with an old colleague or thinking again about a previous business idea you’ve had. If you’re travelling in week two, have a Plan B, as disruptions are possible. You may find yourself hankering for a new vehicle in the next six months, and reliability and value will be your aim. You could find yourself drawn to escapism and new interests as March winds down, and a previous hobby can take on fresh appeal.Â

Leo 24 July – 23 August

 There’s a lot of cosmic action in the part of your chart to do with breaking out and being more spontaneous. And as the old saying goes, change can be as good as a rest. But don’t be too quick to make any big decisions, because you could find yourself changing your mind right throughout March. Perhaps what you’re craving most for is some excitement and a new adventure. However, it can sometimes only be clear what we have, once we don’t have it! So, enjoy experimenting but do keep your options open, Leo.Â

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

 The powerful Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th, coincides with your ruler Mercury going Retrograde the next day. But it’s strict Saturn which will have the greatest impact, and there could be some important developments around relationships in the next six months. You can find yourself being firmer, or people being firmer with you. But the converse can be true, and if there’s someone who you really bond with, personally or professionally, a big commitment can follow. But it might not come right away, so patience and sharpening up your listening skills are key.Â

Libra 24 September – 23 October

 Your ruler Venus goes Retrograde on the 2nd, but still forges dazzling links with lucky Jupiter and speedy Mercury in the early part of March. But discussions can be fluid, especially if life has been burdensome and you’ve felt you’ve been carrying too much of the load. You need to feel heard, and if you can exercise your gift for diplomacy, your message will get through. In fact, relationships of all kinds come sharply into focus, but particularly around the Spring Equinox, when Venus and the Sun newly in Aries, angle to transformer Pluto.Â

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

 There’s a lot going down this month Scorpio, but mark week three in your diary, because then Mars, your traditional ruler, angles to Uranus, the planet of fast changes. This can be a really exciting time to go with whatever inspires you, and you could dazzle people in the process. Yet this month also nudges you towards taking your talents more seriously and finding a way to align your creativity with practical and sound structures. There may be some exasperation at times this March too, but the last week could see you enjoying a surprise and uplifting social meet up.Â

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

 You’re a Fire sign, Sagittarius. But in powerful and subtle ways, that part of your being has been blunted by strict Saturn over the last two years. March can see you rediscover your spark, but Saturn continues to encourage you to stay in touch with your feelings, not least through the Lunar Eclipse of the 14th, which he dominates. Social and romantic plans can be changeable too this month, but a wonderful sense of excitement could build up as the month comes to its close, and the following six months from the Solar Eclipse of the 29th, be a truly wonderful time.  Â

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

 Your ruler Saturn is the wise guy of the zodiac, and as he merges with the Lunation of the 14th this month, he’s asking you to choose your words with care over the next six months. And with Venus and Mercury, the relater and the communicator planets respectively, both in retrograde, what you text, message or email could prove very important. You may also hear from someone from your past, perhaps a person you knew locally or in your family. It may not be easy to open up, but there could be a chance of some kind of reconciliation.Â

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

 March bursts with possibilities Aquarius, and the side of you that’s passionate about ideas and connecting to people, comes to the fore. But there can be some crossed wires, and you may find that not everyone is receptive to what you believe in. And yet that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand firm when you feel it’s right. Shared finances could prove complex for the next six months, but from the 20th, you can feel inspired, and some very important and fated conversations could follow. Single? A date and a meal could be very enjoyable as the month comes to a close.  Â

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

 This month begins in potentially sublime fashion for your sign Pisces, if you’re someone who has an abundance of artistic, creative, imaginative or sensory skills. But whilst tripping the light fantastic may appeal, you could find that others will soon challenge you to back up your talent with tangible results. Okay, that’s a point, but sometimes the things that matter in life are not about what we can see and feel, as what we can intuit. But if you do have an idea or strand that you’re excited about, be prepared to dig in. If you do, and show the commitment and application, by September you’ll be rewarded.Â