It's Retrograde Central this month, with the influential Mercury adding from the 18th to Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in retracing its steps. Boiling tensions surface in week one and the Eclipses see a battle for freedom against a more safetly approach to life, when it comes to managing Covid. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes June 2020 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes for June 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As a dynamic sign that loves action, you may feel frustrated by the slower pace of events. The Lunar Eclipse on June 5th, can find you eager for a breakthrough and a chance to take on new challenges. As the focus shifts to your family zone, the coming weeks are more a time of preparation for making a bigger splash. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th, can see you moving ahead with homely projects. But with Mars in Aries from week three, you'll be ready to roll.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Venus your guide planet rewinding until week three, continue to take care around money matters and avoid hasty moves. This, and a lunation across your financial axis on June 5th, might push you to review spending and make decisions that enhance security. As your sector of talk and thought is emphasized by the Solar Eclipse on the 20th, it's a good time to get moving on an idea that could have a very positive impact over coming months.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Has a relationship issue marred your ability to connect with another? This month you may get to grips with this, and be ready to clear the air. A surge of emotion brought about by the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th, could find you talking about your feelings, and it is this that might make the difference. With Mercury rewinding on the 17th, getting to grips with money matters can also boost your mood, with the Solar Eclipse on the 20th bringing new hope and a fresh financial start.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
This month brings the chance of a much needed reset, so that your routines become more finely tuned, with greater productivity and more time to unwind and recharge. The Sun/Moon opposition on the 5th, can push you to take charge of those areas of life that aren't working so well. It's also a chance to tie up loose ends so that when the Sun enters your sign on June 20th, you'll be ready for a new start. The Solar Eclipse in week three could compel you to take a big step forward.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may become aware of those who are worth their weight in gold, and others in your social circle who you could do without Leo. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th, may find you gradually letting go of certain contacts, and connecting more deeply with others. From June 20th, you'll enter a time of completion, with the Solar Eclipse inspiring you to let go of whatever no longer serves. Releasing emotional baggage and finding closure on key issues can pave the way for a new beginning.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Ready to take a place in the spotlight? The Sun in your sector of goals along with an Eclipse on June 5th, can enhance your standing and reputation. This lunar phase also encourages you to balance work and family time so that everyone is happy. As lively Mercury rewinds from June 17th, you could connect to someone from the past which might lead to you renewing a friendship. Ready to move in new circles? An encounter around June 20th, could have quite an impact.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A project of yours could reach a stunning conclusion around June 5th, leaving you pleased at your level of success. Any experience gained might be useful for other plans, and find you better equipped to tackle them. As the Sun moves into your sector of goals and ambition from June 20th, this is your time to shine Libra. Although current retrograde planets can slow things down, you are still in a good position to make steady progress and to push ahead with a key goal or ambition.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A potent lunar phase on June 5th, can inspire you to pare back spending and create a budget that leaves you in control. With Jupiter and Pluto travelling together in reverse, a key decision may bring dynamic change. Do you need to review a project in progress? Cutting out anything unnecessary could simplify things and make it easier to succeed. From week three, be ready to aim high and to grasp a golden opportunity that can be so good for you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A relationship could sparkle with promise and grow stronger, even if you have faced certain challenges. While there is potential for mixed messages, understanding can grow the more you are willing to talk about your feelings. You may be aware that something needs to shift though Archer, and an Eclipse in week three in your sector of transformation and rebirth, could trigger a decision to let go of something that is holding you back. You certainly won't regret it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Do you need more balance in your life? The early part of the month can coincide with events that encourage you to achieve it. Finding the time to relax and recharge is just as important as accomplishing your goals, and you may do better in all ways if you make this a priority. Relationships are also key to your happiness, and the Solar Eclipse in week three can coincide with a decision that could bring you closer to someone, or perhaps find you turning over a new leaf.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The dynamic lunation on June 5th, looks to be an excellent time to promote your skills or an enterprise, as others could become interested in what you have to offer. Looking for romance? An encounter can sizzle with promise, but even so, take things one step at a time. Have a bold plan in mind? Week three might be the best time to set it in motion, as a potent Solar Eclipse enables it to get off to the best possible start. If you need extra mind-power, Mars in Aries can deliver.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Sun in your family zone inspires you to reflect on the best path forward, especially at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on June 5th. It may become obvious what needs to change, and going ahead can find you happier all round. From week three, your creative and entrepreneurial side are more in focus, and with a turbo-charged New Moon on June 20th, this might be the perfect time to showcase your special talents. With a sound strategy, positive progress is possible.