Horoscopes July 2019

Two very potent Eclipses are the centrepoint of July, but there is so much more. And the Lunar as opposed to the Solar gravitational pull of the heavens, is going to be impacted hugely by both Saturn and Pluto. Neptune is also going to be influential this month, forging fine, and more challenging links, and Mercury joins the posse of retrograde planets from the 7th. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes July 2019 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may reach a creative peak as fiery Mars enters Leo, encouraging you to promote yourself and your skills. Romance can be a highpoint too. But change could be on the astral cards at home and regarding personal ambitions. Getting your work life balance sorted could be key. The end of the month is perfect for starting a hobby or a relationship, but unexpected delays are also possible. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You might enjoy getting your place shipshape and ready for visitors and guests. If you are keen to de-clutter then go for it, as you will tear through those hotspots in no time. You may also hear news of an opportunity that takes you out of your comfort zone, yet could be worthwhile pursuing. Even so, mixed messages could confuse matters, unless you are very careful Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be busy catching up with chores, but promoting ideas and forging connections with the right people can lead to exciting conversations and new projects. You may need to be more proactive around money matters though. If you need to sort these important areas out, doing so can bring a sense of freedom. As Mercury rewinds, check the small print before committing to any major purchases.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Just as it seems that your relationships are becoming steadier, the wind of fate could stir up fresh streams of energy leading to further change. With two Eclipses across your sector of relating, discussions can lead to exciting developments, if you stand your ground or conversely up your listening skills. Finances can see an upward trend too, if you are careful with spending.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You'll be in the driver's seat from the start Leo, as fiery Mars enters your sign and revs up your inner engine, alerting you that it's time to be proactive. With two Eclipses in play, you may be pushed into following your destined path. Letting go of what is no longer useful can pave the way for an exciting future. Take any delays in your stride, knowing modifications will be for the best.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The coming weeks are helpful for removing obstacles that might prevent you from exploring your full potential Virgo. There could be some powerful changes on the social circuit too, that can see you mixing with a new crowd. As your ruler rewinds however, someone you once knew could re-emerge or come up powerfully in your thoughts. Quiet time can help later on.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If opportunity knocks, it's worth being bold. This could bring news that spurs you on to take a step in a new direction, but will give you the chance to be more influential. You may need to talk things over with family members first though. Equally, with a lively focus on your zone of friendships Libra, progress may be as much to do with who, as much as what, you know.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

An opportunity that arises may be too good to pass by. It may require some courage, but could be very fulfilling. Don't let your thinking put you off, as it is likely based on past experience, and this looks to be completely different. With the emphasis shifting to your sector of goals and your ruler Mars giving you extra gravitas and drive, as long as you are open to change, success beckons.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A change in values could see you exploring ideas concerning the way you think about and handle your finances. Is a certain issue holding you back? You may feel moved to tackle it once and for all. Doing so, could leave you free to focus on other plans and to reclaim your energy too. At times, your love of independence can see you crave space and adventurism.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If there have been issues in important relationships, these could come to a head. With discussion and negotiation, you may be able to reach a solution that works for all. A breakthrough is possible, but will it be enough? With intense energies in the mix, you may feel it is time to call an end to situations that are more stressful than delightful. Expect some frustrations, and pace yourself.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Are you listening to your heart? This month's pair of Eclipses encourage you to do so. You likely know what you really want to do, but over coming weeks, tuning into your inner voice can be as crucial as following a more logical route. You'll also have a chance to set relationship issues to rights. Taking the time to talk things over to find common ground will be the key.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Set your creative talents free, and you could feel so much more fulfilled for doing so. Powerful forces are at work, encouraging you to share your skills and abilities, as by doing so you'll add something to others' lives as well as your own. You may be ready to increase exercise levels and review your diet. Any issues that require attention to detail, will though require precision.