Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes December 2020

What a month is in prospect. A stunning Mars inspired Solar Eclipse on the 14th in Sagittarius, brings a fabulous new vibrancy to bear. With Saturn & Jupiter combining on the 21st for the first time in Aquarius since 1405 a very big shift of emphasis beckons. This celestial reset, will see big changes with us humanoids too, not least a demand for greater openness and transparency.  For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes December 2020 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for December 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

New opportunities and love adventures await you, as the dynamic Solar Eclipse on the 14th catapults you out of your comfort zone, and encourages you to take on new challenges. But as sobering Saturn and jovial Jupiter move into Aquarius in week three, expect major changes to your social life. Encounters can encourage lucky breaks, while inspiring a change of perspective. Avoid getting caught up in dramas on December 23rd. Instead, enjoy the holiday cheer. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

December brings a chance to let go of the old, so you can welcome in the new. Need to finalize an issue? The Solar Eclipse in week two, encourages you to find closure. Once the decks are cleared, it's full steam ahead. From December 16th, you'll be taking on more responsibility and may be eager to grasp any golden opportunities. The Sun in Capricorn from the 21st, might inspire you to acquire knowledge or learn new skills that will benefit you in the future.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As Mercury and Venus enliven your relationship zone, the coming weeks are perfect for smoothing over difficulties, negotiating and reaching out to others. The December 14th Eclipse, can see you taking a key bond to the next level or collaborating on a project. Is your relationship in the doldrums? It may be time to turn over a new leaf. From week three, you could feel like studying or taking fresh opportunities more seriously, paving the way for an exciting new phase.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A change in routine could find you stepping out of your comfort zone. It's time to broaden your horizons, with the Solar Eclipse on December 14th acting as a catalyst for positive developments. Perhaps a new job is on the horizon, or you have a great idea. Business and finances move higher up the agenda, as Saturn and Jupiter move into Aquarius. Technology can play a big part in your plans. The Full Moon on the 29th, may inspire a loving and soulful heart-to-heart.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Creativity and romance rock, as key planets enter your leisure zone. It's time to indulge in those activities you love the most. Ready to make some festive gifts? This could be the start of a rewarding business. Romantic bonds sparkle with new passion, whatever your relationship status. Eager to embrace lively adventures? The week two Eclipse can pave the way. Partnerships might go through a shift, as Saturn and Jupiter begin to influence key connections.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Ready for dynamic changes on the home front? It's time to finalize domestic plans, especially around the Solar Eclipse on December 14th. Lifestyle matters become more intense from midmonth, when Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius. You may be drawn to take on more responsibility, but be happy to do so. Streamlining your affairs can assist with being more productive. The holiday week might be a lot of fun, but tread with care around sensitive issues.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Given this is the festive season, you may find you have more cards and calls than usual, and they will be very welcome. Some of the connections you forge can be seem fated Libra, especially those made around the December 14th Solar Eclipse. Ready to get creative? From December 16th, consider showcasing your talents, as good things could come from doing so. From the 21st, the ambiance at home brightens in time for a delightful holiday week.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

In a generous mood? Budget for the holiday season and you won't over-extend yourself. The Eclipse on the 14th, can be an opportunity for a fresh financial start, or you may hit on a brilliant idea to earn extra income. Considering a move or keen to extend your place? As Saturn and Jupiter enter your home zone on the 16th and 19th, you could be ready to make a start. You'll enjoy the chance to catch-up over the festive week, with the Full Moon perfect for reminiscing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As charming Venus enter Sagittarius, the attractor factor could work to your advantage. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th, can be an excellent opportunity for a new beginning that might change your life in more ways than one. The more you connect with others who share your interests and ideas, the easier it will be to build a supportive network that underpins your plans and goals. Have a talent that is lying dormant Archer. It may be time to start using it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Spiritual activities are emphasized, so joining a yoga or meditation group could greatly appeal. The Eclipse on the 14th, can be a call to start a practice that helps you maintain greater peace of mind. Finances become more of a priority from week three as Saturn and Jupiter enter your money zone, bringing out your resourceful side. As the Sun enters your sign from the 21st, you'll be in your element and able to navigate the holiday week with ease.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be busy from the off, with a positive focus highlighting your social life and encouraging you to connect, whether virtually or in person. The December 14th Eclipse, can find you moving in new circles and a meeting could have a profound yet positive impact. The big news is that Saturn and Jupiter enter your sign on the 16th and 19th for the long-term, bringing out the best in you, Aquarius. From the 21st, make time to recharge, and try not to take on too much.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Don't hold back, as this is one of the best times to showcase your talents and get your CV out to the right people. The Eclipse on December 14th, can coincide with an opportunity that is too good to miss, and that might seem like the hand of fate at work. From week three, Saturn and Jupiter move into a private zone for a long stay, so self-improvement and spirituality could become a priority. Enjoy basking in seasonal warmth, as the Sun revitalizes your social life from the 21st.