Horoscopes December 2019

Wonderful Jupiter returns to Capricorn for the first time in 12 years, provided some much needed levitation from Saturn and Pluto's transit. With sweet Venus combining with nurturing Ceres a lighter vibe can prevail. A Capricorn Eclipse on the 26th, and Mars' suoercharged link with Pluto from the 16th to the 27th, also suggest its not too late in the year to obtain tangible goals. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes December 2019 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for December 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This month brings positive energy to your goals and career plans, and can see the start of expansion in this area. At the same time with Saturn and Pluto gradually merging, it is time for some restructuring concerning key ambitions. From week three your social life sparkles with festive potential Aries. Ready to take positive steps? The December 26th Eclipse can help. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As fortunate Jupiter aligns harmoniously with your sign, you may note a surge of dynamic energy and perhaps a feeling that you are capable of more than you thought. Be especially alert around December 15th, as there is a possibility of a lucky break. Eager to embrace fresh opportunities? As your confidence grows, new and fruitful ideas can replace any you have outgrown Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Tired of battling money, business or relationship issues? Buoyancy can replace doubt and help may come from unlikely sources regarding a major issue. Ready to celebrate? The week two Full Moon can see you eager to enjoy a festive event that may have romantic overtones. The December 26th Solar Eclipse can pave the way for a new beginning, if you can let go of the past.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It is understandable if you feel a tad cynical about certain relationships, particularly with Saturn and Pluto preparing to merge. From early this month, things can take a new term if you're willing to see such issues from a fresh perspective. And a romance can move into deeper waters from December 20th, if you are ready. Whatever your relationship status, a fresh start is possible.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If it seems that you've been carrying the weight of responsibility on your shoulders, you could experience a positive shift Leo. And the easing of a burden can see you relishing a delightful celebration around the 12th. Ready for a golden opportunity? Week three can bring a pleasant surprise in this regard. Plus, romance and your social life can flourish from December 20th.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This looks to be an upbeat month, with family members enjoying the festivities. It is also excellent for creative and romantic activities, as Jupiter enters Capricorn for the long-term. Ready for the spotlight? You could be a star on December 12th, so showcase you best side Virgo. Beginning an enterprise? Aim for the 26th, and you could reap the rewards you so deserve.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With feisty Mars in your money zone, this can be a resourceful month when you'll have an eye for bargains. And if you have been dealing with weighty domestic issues, the festive season could see a shift in this regard. Romance figures strongly from week three, whatever your relationship status. A new development around the 26th could be good news for the family.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Ready for the holidays? With dynamic Mars in your sign, you'll get through your to-do list in no time. And if you have been working towards new opportunities, rewards can soon be yours. Communication is enhanced this month, with the Solar Eclipse on the 26th the key to exciting opportunities. Networking and socializing can bring benefits that keep accruing Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Sun in your sign until December 22nd, can see you busy with plans that are personal to you. Need to clear the air? Feelings can reach a peak around the week two Full Moon, and this may allow for honest discussion. Money matters could take a positive turn and give hope for the future, with the week four Eclipse bringing solid opportunities to increase your income Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As upbeat Jupiter enters your sign from December 2nd for the long-term, you may feel that life now holds more potential. The coming weeks can be a time for tying up loose ends and gaining perspective on your life prior to the Sun entering your sign on the 22nd. Plus, the Eclipse in your sign on the 26th can inspire a new beginning, enabling you to expand your horizons Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may enjoy socializing this holiday season, but equally you could relish quieter times and a chance to consider what you really want out of life. Dreams and intuitive nudges could play a big part in goal setting for the coming year, so it is worth paying attention. And with lovely Venus entering your sign from December 20th, spending time with close ones can be a real pleasure.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If your social life has been more hard work than pleasure, Jupiter's move into this zone can bring sparkling opportunities for moving in new circles or resolving an awkward issue. This month has much to commend it, but there is no doubt that you'll do better working as part of a team rather than going it alone Pisces. New developments from December 26th can open doors for you.