Horoscopes April 2020

Venus enters Gemini for a four month stay. Ordinarily this would lighten us all up. Mercury into Aries, CAN see things start to gain ground. The Libra Full Moon asks us to keep calm and carry on. The last ten days of the month is Taurus time, and it's all about foundations, creativity around resources, and breaking free of limiting routines. Deep Pluto goes Retrograde from the 25th. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes April 2020 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for April 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may feel a surge of energy regarding a key goal, and this can push you to overcome any remaining obstacles to success. Relationships become a priority in week two Aries, as the Libra Supermoon can bring issues to a head, but there is also a chance for romance. And with the Sun and a New Moon in Taurus, your appetite for life can increase, along with spending. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Venus dances into Gemini, which can encourage you to enjoy a few luxuries. Keen to invest in antiques or art? This is the time to go for it? A lunation in week two can be a call to get your schedule organized for greater productivity. The Sun's move into your sign on the 19th can see you energized and confident, while the New Moon brings the chance of a fresh start Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be back to your inquisitive and sociable self, with Venus entering your sign after a quieter phase. And with a Supermoon in your romance zone feelings can escalate, bringing you and another much closer. Mercury's move into your social zone might see you relishing excellent company. Need a chance to reflect Gemini? The Sun in a private zone encourages you to take it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Collaborating with another can bring out the best in both of you, and together you could accomplish great things. Looking for love? One encounter might have soul mate potential. The Sun's move into Taurus and your social zone, can encourage you to mix and mingle. Ready to make a long-held dream a reality? If so, the New Moon can push you to take those first steps.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Libra Supermoon in your sector of communication on the 8th can heighten feelings, especially around sensitive issues. While it's great to clear the air, avoid overreacting even if someone's words do get you riled. Enthused about an exciting opportunity? Even if it is a bit of a challenge you could do very well out of it. Promoting your skills might bring big gains as well Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As tactful Venus moves into your sector of goals, she can lend you a certain charm, which could help pave the way for positive developments. And with a dynamic Jupiter/Pluto tie encouraging you to explore any creative and entrepreneurial opportunities, this month could see you doing well. The Sun's move into your travel zone might inspire a desire to get away from it all and relax.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be looking for more when it comes to romance, so when Venus enters Gemini, you'll be ready to aim high. And with a Supermoon across your relationship axis in week two emotions can spill over, encouraging you to share your feelings Libra. Avoid being too impulsive though. From week three, an intense focus might be good for letting go of whatever no longer serves you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Words have power, especially around the 4th when an intense Jupiter/Pluto tie can coincide with you signing a major deal. An idea could take off in a big way, if you have done the groundwork first. Pluto your ruler will rewind from week four, inspiring a change of mindset. And with a New Moon on the 23rd, a relationship could soon move to new levels of intimacy.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Luscious Venus's presence in your sector of relating brings a lively ambiance to social affairs and to a partnership. Add to this the influence of the Supermoon on the 8th, and romance could blossom. Keen to increase your income? This month could bring big opportunities to do so. And if you are ready to get organized, then the Sun's presence in your lifestyle zone can assist with this.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may be facing a challenge, but it looks to be a positive one Capricorn. This month, your persistence can see you accomplishing much which could lead to even bigger opportunities. Go easy around the 8th though, as an impulsive Mars/Uranus tie could see you splurging. From week three, the cosmos encourages you to unwind and indulge. Feel like a spa day or a massage? Go for it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Supermoon on April 8th in your sector of far horizons, can find you yearning to get away. This and other influences suggest you may be restless and eager for new sights and sounds, and that if you have the chance, a break could do you good. As the Sun eases into your family zone from week three, you might also relish homely comforts and a chance for reflection and self-care.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be busier than ever regarding your social life. But this month could see you involved in a big project that is not only exciting, but that could change you in a good way. Go easy around finances on the 8th though, as the temptation to splurge might prove expensive. Need to get a qualification? The New Moon on the 23rd in your study zone, could be a great time to go ahead.

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