Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes March 2021

Neptune has had quite a challenging impact the last couple of years, but this month, can bring a much more inspirational dimension to bear, embracing the Pisces New Moon, and much more. Mars also brings a bright energy to bear and for us all there is going to be a sense of the potential for healing, but also seeing practical improvements too. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2021 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for March 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Need friends who can support you in your ventures? Now is the time to reach out. Plus, with a focus on a quieter zone, finding closure on issues that have held you back, could be the key to success. The New Moon on the 13th is perfect for taking up meditation, yoga or any practice that inspires peace of mind. From week three, you'll be in your element and ready to get moving on those plans that inspire you. A relationship may begin to show great promise. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Let money matters slip? You'll be motivated to sort out finances and regain control. As dynamic Mars moves into Gemini, this is a great opportunity to sell items and earn extra cash. An encounter around the 13th, could be the start of a new friendship or romance that lights up your life. Joining groups and clubs will bring new opportunities and ideas into the mix. From week three, tie up loose ends and make space for all the good things coming your way.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Take a bow Gemini, as you continue to be in the spotlight, giving you a chance to let others see how talented you are. Don't bypass an opportunity to take up new responsibilities, as this can enhance your image. With Mars moving into your sign, you'll be eager to explore new ideas and link up with others on your wavelength. Reaching out and making valuable new connections which pave the way for fresh interests and experiences, could be so very good for you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Ready for something new? A focus on your sector of adventure, can be a call to move out of your comfort zone and to take on a challenge. The New Moon on the 13th is the perfect time to make a start, as your plans could quickly build momentum. From March 20th, get ready for a more dynamic phase as the Sun enters your sector of ambition. It's time to shine, so don't hold back from revealing your talents. If you are willing to take the plunge, the rewards will be yours.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Need to resolve financial, business or relationship issues? If so, the New Moon on the 13th can encourage you to act. You may need to do some deep digging to get to the heart of the matter, but once you do, change could be swift. Socially you are on a roll, and keen to break new ground by joining with others who share your interests and goals. From week three adventure calls, and you'll be ready for experiences and opportunities that pave the way for fresh developments.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It's onwards and upwards, as Mars powers into a prominent zone inspiring you to take your goals and ambitions seriously. The actions you take this month can see you making serious progress. The New Moon on the 13th, is the time to take a romance or business relationship to the next level. With the moon tide assisting, things could go from strength to strength. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, this potent influence might enable you to make long overdue changes.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The urge to explore new thinking, to study and engage with fresh ideas, can help in uncovering dynamic opportunities that you won't want to miss. But to take full advantage, you'll need to reorganize your schedule to fit them in. A few tweaks could do the trick. Relationships come to the fore from March 20th, bringing a chance to clear the air and find ways to work harmoniously together. The Full Moon on the 28th may be emotional, if you choose to share your true feelings.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

What do you most love to do, Scorpio? The coming weeks bring a chance to let your imagination run free, and indulge hobbies and activities that bring pleasure. Have creative skills? Use the New Moon on the 13th, to showcase your work to anyone who is interested. Who knows where this may lead! Ready to change your lifestyle? The Sun's move into Aries from week three, could be a call to reset your priorities so that you don't feel overwhelmed. Taking time to recharge is key.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As instigator Mars animates key relationships, its presence in Gemini can inspire you to hold key conversations that clear the air and encourage discussion and negotiation. Still, a desire to step back from life and attend to home and family affairs, could encourage you to recharge and nurture yourself. Use the New Moon on the 13th to initiate domestic or DIY plans. From the 20th, new adventures may call out to you. A desire to let off steam might find you eager to exercise, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may be curious about new options, and ready to make exciting discoveries related to work, business and routines. Looking for a balanced lifestyle? If it's a case of all work and no play, you'll want to remedy this so you have more time for family, exercise and fun. The New Moon on March 13th is perfect for adopting uplifting habits. From week three, domestic matters are in focus. A surge of energy can inspire decorative and other homely projects, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Keen to get your finances in order? The cosmos encourages you to get organized by looking at spending and saving options. Initiate any new plans around the New Moon in week two, for a positive outcome. With Mars in a dynamic zone, be prepared to showcase your creative skills and other talents. The things you do for love could earn you money. From week three, reaching out can boost friendships, resolve difficulties and encourage new business, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun in your sign until March 20th, means it's time to focus on those ideas and opportunities that are important to you. What makes your heart sing? Embrace it, and you'll be revitalized. With a New Moon in your sign on the 13th, there is the option of a fresh start. Whatever your goals, begin them now for best results. You'll be keen to get moving on domestic plans, as Mars moves into your home zone. If you have lacked the motivation to start, you'll soon be back on track. From week three, money matters gain in importance, encouraging a new beginning.