Horoscopes March 2019

A whole raft of energies shimmer in the sign of Pisces. This sees Neptune, the ruler of the sign, combine with the Pisces New Moon on the 6th and with Mercury in Pisces (in detriment) going into a retrograde on the 5th, sensitivity will be heightened, but so can the potential for confusion. Still, Uranus moves into Taurus also on the 6th, and that is very exciting for environmental and ecological reform. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2019 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Lovely Venus glides into friendly Aquarius, and asks you to celebrate what you have in common with others. This is going to be of great help, as the New Moon links with Neptune on the 6th. Your sensitivity to others can pay huge dividends in the weeks ahead. Get creative over finances too, but with Mercury rewinding, guard against jumping to conclusions. Energy soars from the 21st. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your ability to tune into others can take on an almost psychic empathy this month, and this can hold you in good stead. But with Uranus arriving in your sign for seven years, any area of your life which has grown stale, is ripe for a shakeup. From the 10th to the 16th, you have a fine platform to drive any alterations through, and some of these can prove to be life changing.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your worldly interactions can go through some readjustments. And it may not be the first plan that appeals to you that turns out to be the one that you ultimately stick with. There could be mixed messages around your employment situation, or you may find yourself wanting to take on a role with much greater spiritual meaning. A friend can be so very supportive from the 21st.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Dare to dream this month Cancer, for your appreciation of travel, other cultures, history, spirituality, the arts, film and music, will be absolutely fantastic. All sorts of expansion is possible across these areas. Though with Mercury rewinding from the 5th, there probably are going to be one or two glitches along the way, but positivity and drive can take you far. Go for it!

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This is a month when you can be very imaginative around how to manage your longer term finances. If you've ever thought of self-employment and have a key gift, this can be a fine time to deploy it. That said, if you are needing to deal with a lender or seek formal help, it will be important to ensure that what you want to achieve is crystal clear, and with application, it can be.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your relationship sector can arouse high expectations this month, and you could encounter someone who has something of a mysterious but also captivating profile, who really appeals to you. However, because of Mercury's retrograde and the dreamy influence of Neptune, there's also the potential for crossed wires. But generally, sweet things and sweet nothings can be shared.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

On the 2nd, your ruler Venus moves into her most effective location in your Solar Horoscope during her yearly transit. For the next four weeks, there is a glorious opportunity for you to be more self expressive and affectionate. However, there are still going to be some practical strands to attend to, so measure how much energy you invest in these this month. Do keep some time for your own needs.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your self-expression can be greatly enriched this month by a brilliant New Moon, and connections between your co-rulers of Mars and Pluto. This can also have an impact on your love life which can sizzle, and in the most surprising but delightful of ways. Despite this, there may be some stop-start moments, but if so, just try to take these in your stride Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Feeling happy, comfortable and secure in your home environment becomes a top priority. You may find yourself more than ordinarily sensitive to your environment, but this can see you thinking about your outside space, or even about redecoration. You burst into livelier form from the 21st, at the time of the Spring Equinox. Your energy and drive increase appreciably then.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Pluto, in your sign, is all about change and transformation. Sometimes this process is not without its growing pains, but fortunately this month, two fantastic links between the 10th and the 16th and the 19th to the 24th, can fire up the plans that are important to you in the most valuable of ways. Your finances can also be given a significant boost this March, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With lovely Venus entering your sign on the 2nd, this is going to give your sense of self and your personal attractiveness a huge boost. If you're solo, more than one person can beat a path to your door in the weeks to come. Effort that you have put in over a sustained period of time, can also start to show signs of firming up, and this can prove to be very satisfying to you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A fantastic New Moon in your zodiac sign, combines with your co-ruler of Neptune. If ever there was a time to utilize flexibility, intuition and creativity, that is so closely allied to your sign, this is it. Yet as much as you may find yourself wanting to get on the front foot, at times your mind may go back to a past person or situation, and you could find yourself quite sentimental.