On-going strands can be rejuvenated by a burst of fresh energy or we can find ourselves keen to start all over on new exciting possibilities. However, with both Venus and Jupiter in retrograde from the 4th it is going to be important not to take progress for granted. Some serious application can be helped by the earthy position of Mars from the 10th, in Taurus. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2017 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes March 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This month is going to have a very big sense of freshness for you. All sorts of new beginnings are possible, and any plans that are already in motion, well you're going to want to see some tangible results from the 10th onwards. However, Venus in your sign does rewind from the 4th, and with Jupiter also retrograde all month in your sector of relationships, avoid taking love for granted. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Mars powering into your sign on the 10th, this is going to give you a wonderful boost of confidence and vitality. Yet there can be a sense of clearing up a lot of loose ends throughout March, but the Full Moon on the 12th suggests that you should try to be as practical as possible when deciding on anything to do with your love life or social interactions with others.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There could be some confusion around your role in life or work situation early in the month, and the potency of last month's Solar Eclipse is still very powerful. Things can be somewhat fluid, however what you can define will be very useful, is linking with others and facing your past could be important in this regard. Things will really blossom from mid-month however.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your expectations around situations are set to get much greater. All of this can be informed by some exciting conversations you have at the start of the month. The planets link together beautifully to give you much greater drive and confidence in your worldly interactions. The New Moon of the 28th can be a trigger for greater success or some kind of major breakthrough.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A crucial piece of information can be important to how you feel around your love life. Communications generally, amongst us all, could get slightly sloppy this month, and without such a clear edge it may be possible to misunderstand somebody's motives, or even your own. Later in the month, creating any kind of adventure and new experiences can really appeal to you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the 12th forges a very positive angle to the planet of good fortune, Jupiter. A positive partnership could help you to make the most of this. With Neptune combining with the Sun in the early days of March, apply a healthy dose of realism to any relationship hopes. Exciting new plans can however take hold from the 10th. Will you get fitter?
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It is possible to be too self-sacrificing and this can be particularly so all through this month. Mind, in relationships where there is genuine give-and-take, this can be a month of very positive developments. Your listening skills particularly come to the fore from the 14th. Singleton? Someone you meet in the last half of March can have a long-term impact upon you, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Early in the month you can find yourself feeling very idealistic about your hopes, and if life seems a little bit too workaday, you can find your mind turning to more exciting possibilities. With your traditional ruler moving on March the 10th, this can give you the impetus to reach out to others or interact with more confidence. But getting the detail of things right will be crucial.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Home, family and emotional life will all require a great deal of sensitivity as this month begins. However, any changes or schemes you deploy in the last week of the month can work out really well. There will be plenty of opportunities to also engage in more sociable pursuits. The New Moon of the 28th of March can also see you re-energised and outward looking, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your ideas can be very fluid this month, whether it is about more personal aspirations or home and family considerations. If you hope to make some improvements to where you live, there is the potential for some delays. Also be mindful to have realistic expectations. for you could find yourself going over budget. A new hobby can however grip you from the 10th.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There could be a sense of drift around financial issues, and if you're finding it difficult to get hard and fast answers, do be persistent, and especially around the Full Moon of the 12th. Despite this, March is a month when your natural penchant for communication can see you absolutely dazzle – if you put your mind to it. Greater interaction with neighbours is also possible, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Last month's Solar Eclipse in your sign continues to dominate the heavens. Your creativity and imagination are going to be very much to the fore, and people can be receptive to what you have to say. Financially, this is not a time to be too careless with your expenditure, and as long as you're careful, there is a good chance you can add to your nest egg, especially as the month ends.