An enormously powerful Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer lays at the heart of this month, and it is going to bring some potentially life changing alterations to our existence, into play. A push pull situation may finally need resolving. Avoiding forcefulness, avarice, or manipulation in order to get our own way at the expense of others feelings, will not be the smartest way to be. We also need to prepare for this from others. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes July 2018 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes for July 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This can be a very social month for you Aries, but it may take some effort to balance the needs of all those people that are important to you, or perhaps one in particular. With Venus and Mercury as well as Pluto powerful at times, this month there can be some sensitive moments, perhaps where ambitions are fierce and require some personal or family adjustment to them.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Jupiter moves forwards in your sector of relationships from the 10th, and Venus your ruler, moves into the most glorious of locations for the rest of the month. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th, can see a very intense conversation unfold in the second half of July, and an ambition you hold dear could come to pass from the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 27th of July.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This month can be exceptionally passionate, and especially from the 3rd to the 7th, when your ruler Mercury goes face-to-face with Mars. You are going to identify more closely with your possessions or values, but there can also be a very intense romantic vibe too. With your ruler going into retrograde from the 26th, stay closely abreast of the details of any paperwork or emails.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Partial Solar Eclipse in your sign, midmonth, sees the gauntlet laid down to you, particularly how you balance your individual hopes and aspirations with your involvement with anyone else. But with Jupiter flowing forward from the 10th and Venus giving your word power added charm, the last week of July could lead to a fated, if highly charged conversation Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
An issue that's been simmering on the back burner can come into focus in week two. But you may also find yourself having to contend with the more psychological elements of life in the second half of year 2018. With Mars clashing with Uranus and a potent Lunar Eclipse on the 27th, someone you encounter can be much more rebellious in how they respond to you Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your direction in life, your key aspirations and hopes, are definitely going to come under the astral spotlight on the back of this month's potent lunations. What is wonderful for you however, is that on the 10th Venus, the planet of love, moves into your sign and in the last week of July forges a quite stunning angle to Pluto in your Solar Horoscope. However, a role that has lost its allure may see you job hunting.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your ruler Venus, Mercury and the Sun, all spend time this month in your sector of sociability. But there may still be some responsibilities and obligations to attend to, especially in week two. You may find yourself being pulled in two different directions, and as Mars combines with the Eclipse on the 27th and squares Uranus, the most rebellious side of your nature can bubble forth.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Jupiter, the planet of fortune, ends a four-month retrograde in your sign, but continues to forge a quite beautiful link to Neptune. Invest in your creativity where possible. But you may find yourself restless this month, and particularly around home or family life. If there are changes that are long overdue, it may prove difficult to put these off, although someone close could be resistant.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You can find yourself in a much more directed mood when it comes to marshalling your resources. This could go all the way to even being tougher in any negotiations. In fact, this could be a pattern until the year's end, but your love of debate can certainly sparkle to the fore, and you may also find yourself keen to buy a new mode of transport as the month draws to an end.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The planet of the underworld Pluto, continues to make its way through your sign, helping you to increase your understanding of your desires. This month, relationships are very likely to be at the heart of your thinking, especially around the 13th. If an existing tie is a little out of kilter, this could tempt you to be more social, or a shift in the power between you both can manifest itself.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Total Lunar Eclipse in your zodiac sign, may occur later on in the month, but it does embrace the energies of Mars, which is going to be with you for the whole of July. Essentially, you're going to be much more assertive about what you need from situations. But despite this, there could be some politics with the Sun in opposition to Pluto, and Mars is clashing with Uranus. Don't push too hard!
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Travel plans, hopes for higher education and anything to do with publishing technology or software, are all given a huge boost as Jupiter goes forwards on the 10th. On the same day, Venus moves into your sector of relating, and by the end of the month forges a heartfelt angle with the planet of power, Pluto. You may have to decide on your priorities this month, but progress can be made.