Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes January 2024

There is a sense of real anticipation in the air as we go into the new year, with a cluster of planets in the expansive Sagittarius. Pluto moves into Aquarius on the 21st, following the Sun, adding to this exciting dynamic. But drill down into the detail, and Saturn is in a harsh right angle to Venus, Neptune to Mars and Mercury, just in Retrograde. Still, a potent New Moon on the 11th, can supercharge endeavour linked to innovation and fresh approaches. For your in-depth January Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2024 for each sign, please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for January 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

So Aries, the month begins with a sense of excitement. But the trick will be to keep this energy going for the whole of January. Part of you can really hanker for some kind of change, to break out and seek more variety and stimulation. But if you keep beavering away at the things that are important to you career wise, the New Moon of the 11th, gives you the chance to seize a new or different opportunity. With Pluto's move on the 21st, some new friends and associations can enter your world between now and the end of August.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Jupiter, located in your sign, is now in direct motion. If it felt that some parts of your situation were treading water in the last four months of last year, now you can get on the front foot. With Mars priming things up brilliantly from the 5th, you could also feel a lot more daring and spontaneous. You have a wonderful opportunity from the 21st to supercharge your professional hopes and aspirations. However, it will be important to use any extra power or authority you have wisely.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Some very deep energies have been playing out in your situation over recent years, which has probably left you feeling restless and unsettled at times. But all the knowledge that you've been accumulating can come back to you in a splendid way in the last ten days of January. If you've wanted to travel or break out somehow, this can be a splendid time to put those plans into action. Anything linked to higher education, professional development or publishing, look bright.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Mark the 20th of January in your diary, Cancer. This is a really important day, because it's going to help you to understand how far you've come in defending your boundaries. There may be a challenge that you need to come through, but as long as you stay open minded and flexible in your approach, it's one you can emerge from well. Staying diplomatic will help you to deal with this situation, and the full moon of the 25th, can bring the matter to a conclusion, especially if there's a financial dynamic to this situation.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A really important start to the year for you, Leo! You can become much more aware of where your fire is being blunted and who might be the source of this. Yet if you want to be utterly practical, progress can be made, especially if you're up for something new and different, health or workwise. But it's relationships which truly take centre stage. And it can be all sorts of involvements that may be transformed in the years to come, with the delicate balance between give and take coming sharply into focus.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The arrival of Mars in Capricorn on the 4th, gives you a jolt of invigorating energy. Augmented by the lively Jupiter and the New Moon of the 11th, there's a real sense of excitement. Alliances that are well balanced can make good progress too. Later in the month, you could find yourself reviewing your health and fitness routines. Even if you feel that everything is nailed down, some small but important changes may work wonders.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Home practicalities may require attention early in the month, and if you're looking to move home or renovate, the prospects look supportive for raising the funds you require. The Sun's arrival in your sister Air Sign of Aquarius on the 20th, followed by the powerful Pluto on the 21st, shift the focus big time. You're about to enter a surprisingly lively and potentially sociable part of the year and this can prove uplifting and fun.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your word power is boosted from the 4th by your traditional ruler moving into your 3rd House of everyday chat. If you have things you want to share with others, you can do so with passion and determination. Later in the month, your other ruler Pluto, takes residence in the part of your solar chart to do with where you live, who with and how. If you want to update your home, decoratively or a renovation, this will provide the spark.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With Mercury, Mars and Venus all in your sign as the new year dawns, that more individualistic side of your nature can be to the fore. But you need to balance your need for freedom and independence with another more emotional part of your nature. Sorting out any outstanding financial issues could take until the Full Moon of the 25th, but a buzzier more interactive vibe shapes up in the last ten days.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may find that your confidence and energy are a little low to begin this month Capricorn, but you'll start to gain greater momentum from the 4th, the 11th and the 12th. In fact, by the 12th, you will be really sparking once more and even in the mood and mode to show a bit of devilment. Any creative strands that you've worked on in recent years can start to firm up from the 21st, when a more solid base is formed.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The big talking point for you this month Water Bearer, is the arrival of Pluto in your sign on the 21st of January. Right through to the 1st of September, this primes you to move into the present more, and showcase your individuality and passion. And yet early on in January, you may be working out some financial issues. This is not the time to be too idealistic with resources. An old business contact might emerge from the 4th onwards.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your two ruling planets of Jupiter and Neptune are much to the fore in January. They could inhibit your desire for progress and acclaim if you let them see you doubt your value. The trick is to be very clear about what you want and about how you express it to others. This is boosted hugely on the 12th, when some kind of collaborative approach starts to pay off. Your appetite for reflection, retreats and healing are boosted later in the month.