Monthly Horoscopes January 2022

The New Moon of the 2nd sparkles and angles perfectly to the planet of innovation Uranus. Finding ways to freshen up our approaches can work well. Venus may be Retrograde but links superbly to Neptune early on as well as Uranus in the last two weeks. Communications will though need care with Mercury in Retrograde from the 14th. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes January 2022 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for January 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Keen to move ahead? The start of this month is excellent for setting goals and planning. The New Moon on the 2nd can get things off to a great start. Mercury goes into reverse on the 14th though, so you'll need to factor in the possibility of delays and stay one step ahead. Your sociable side sparkles from January 20th, as the Sun enters friendly Aquarius. You'll enjoy the company of those on your wavelength. Someone may have some tips that will speed up progress. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready to aim high? You'll start 2022 as you mean to carry on, by making the most of available opportunities. And the New Moon on the 2nd could spur you on to make a bold move. Yet Mercury's rewind phase from the 14th might cause a few hold-ups. The Sun's presence in a highflying zone from week three, can be the perfect time to promote your talents. Hoping a key relationship will take a turn for the better? Venus stepping forward on the 29th may help.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You'll be in the mood to solve problems, review ideas and streamline finances and business affairs. Have big plans? The New Moon on the 2nd can be an asset to getting them off the ground. As Mercury rewinds from midmonth, it helps to be prepared so that you aren't caught out by unexpected events. Your thoughts can tend towards big plans and opportunities as the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th. Something fresh may beckon. Will you answer the call?

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

While jovial Jupiter in your sector of opportunity brings inspired ideas, your focus is also on mending relationships and enhancing your connections with others. Make use of the New Moon on the 2nd for a fresh start, or perhaps to close a chapter on one connection, if this seems necessary. The days around the 17th could be emotional, with a Full Moon encouraging you to acknowledge your feelings and act on them. Need to let go of something? Now is the time.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Getting organised could help get the New Year off to a fabulous start. Streamline your routines and jettison any that aren't accomplishing much. The same is true of your habits, Leo. The New Moon on the 2nd can be perfect for making some key changes. Relationships become important from the 20th, inspiring teamwork and bringing opportunities for romance and for spending more time with loved ones. Your intuition is spot-on, so let it be your guide when making decisions.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be ready to turn a hobby into a business, as the focus on your entrepreneurial sector encourages you to give it a go. Make a start around January 2nd, and your efforts could go from strength to strength. Mercury your ruler will turn retrograde from midmonth, so expect some delays and frustration. Finishing things well in advance will help. From the 20th, you'll benefit from streamlining your routines. This also includes your wellness habits, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As harmonious Venus will be retrograde until the 29th, you may be busy sorting out a family issue. On a DIY note, the urge to redecorate and get your place shipshape can be strong. With Mercury regressing, it's not wise to buy or sell property though, Libra. Your leisure zone comes into focus from the 20th. It's one of the best times for promoting your talents and for ramping up romance. As Mars enters Capricorn, consider decluttering and selling unwanted items for cash.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You'll be ready to hit the ground running, as 2022 gets underway, Scorpio. The New Moon on the 2nd is excellent for moving on a key project. Whether you're starting a blog, website or Internet business, this is an excellent time to go ahead. From January 20th, your home zone comes into focus, and you may be eager to purchase paint or other homely items in the sales. Mind, with lively Mercury rewinding, it might be wise to get a second opinion before you splash on the paint.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Busy getting your finances in order after the festive season? With dazzling Venus still in her retro phase, this can be a call to make corrections that could help you stay in control and save over the coming months. Keen to get moving on new plans? Mercury's reverse phase from midmonth could delay matters, but as your perception shifts, you'll see new possibilities. From the 20th, try to get admin sorted. Keen to learn new skills or get a qualification? Now is the time.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You're ready to put the past behind you and start a new personal cycle. The focus on your sign, along with a New Moon on the 2nd, gets 2022 off to a sterling start. You'll have increased energy and confidence, so take advantage. Buying big ticket items in the sales? With Mercury rewinding from midmonth, it pays to keep receipts and paperwork. Looking to enhance your income? From the 20th, this may become more of an emphasis. A new side-hustle could soon show promise.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

2022 begins with the accent on your spiritual zone, encouraging you to put an issue to rest. Tie up any loose ends now, so that when the Sun enters your sign on January 20th, you'll have cleared a space for new opportunities. You'll be in your element from week three, and in touch with your identity and purpose. But go easy as Mercury rewinds in your sign from the 14th. It may be wise not to push ahead with a key project. Have no option? Be prepared for shifts and changes.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd, encourages you to be with kindred spirits and to join a group or club where you'll feel truly at home. Companionship is important to you, so you may go out of your way to make new friends and find your tribe. Mercury turns retrograde from mid-January, which could connect you to situations or people from the past. It might be one of the best times to talk things over and find healing and closure. Watch your dreams too, Pisces.