February sees two Eclipes interacting with one another, the first on the 11th in Leo, and the Second on the 26th in Pisces. This combination can be excellent for stimulating creativity, and idealism too. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th also merges with Neptune, so inspiration can come from our dreams in the next six months. However, the midpoint between Venus and Mars from the 4th in Aries, also adds some lovely spice to proceedings. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes February 2016 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes February 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With Mars in your sign all month, and joined on the 4th by the glamorous energies of Venus, this can be your month to shine. The Lunar Eclipse on the 11th also gives you fabulous support to express yourself and to demonstrate to people what makes you so unique. The 22nd to the 29th will see you resist all attempts to reshape you into anything other than the way you want to be. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It may be hard to pinpoint exactly why, but if there is any part of your existence which feels unsettled or unsatisfactory, it's likely to show up this month. If you work in an environment where there's little acknowledgement, let alone praise, this could be an area that you look to change. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th can see one special friend become so much more important.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This can be quite a month socially, with you taking the lead. A fabulous Lunar Eclipse suggests that you're going to be building up lots of new alliances over the next six months. These can also be linked to your more worldly interactions, when you'll be drawn to kindly and compassionate souls, but perhaps also to those who have more unusual interests than most.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Expect to be in the limelight this month Cancer, a time when your goals and ambitions come very much into sharp focus. Yours is a Cardinal sign, this means you are a leader and you need to have your voice heard in order to feel satisfied with your lot. The last week of the month could see you liberate yourself from a situation which is no longer working any more for you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 11th really pushes you to move beyond your comfort zone, not just in February but right through to the time of your birthday. In fact, this is a month when you may find yourself wanting to tear down any long-term obstacle or restriction. However, one area that will require a little bit more care is joint finances or anything to do with property.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There is going to be an intensity to proceedings this month, but this can add an edge of excitement. However, from the 11th, with your ruler relocating in your sector of precision, your natural ability to focus in on what's really essential is going to be heightened. Your relationships are given a significant boost for the next six months on the back of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your interactions with others take centre stage this month, but it could be getting to know someone new through a shared interest or a mutual friend which provides the initial spark. In an existing relationship, if you feel a partner tends to lack consideration or take you for granted, then they may see a much feistier side of your nature in the last week of the month.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You can find yourself really motivated this month and even tasks that have held little appeal can be cleared away with aplomb. This can also be a fine time to gain new insights into your physical, psychological and emotional well-being. If you have a more creative bent, the arrival of Mercury on the 26th in your sector of self-expression and a Solar Eclipse, will work wonders.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ruler Jupiter slams on the brakes on the 6th, but this simply asks you to become more mindful of your long-term hopes and to focus on those which have a serious chance of success, rather than spreading yourself too thinly. Your sex appeal is going to absolutely skyrocket too this month, but for any serious relationship to develop it'll need to have a solid emotional basis.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
All sorts of changes are possible on the home front, particularly if you're improving or renovating. But this month's Solar Eclipse on the 26th puts the emphasis very much on your ideas and ways of expressing them. You may find yourself drawn to poetry, literature or music which have a powerful impact on your senses. You may even look for a new vehicle at this time, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You can find yourself really full of vim and vigour this month, and particularly from the 7th, when Mercury sweeps into your sign. There can be lots of unexpected conversations and some dazzling connections. If you're hoping to add sparkle to your love life, there's an excellent chance to connect with some new and exciting people. You can be imaginative around finances too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The arrival of Mercury in your sign on the 26th and the Pisces Solar Eclipse on the same day sets the scene for the following six months. This can see you really flourish when it comes to your individuality and unique approach to situations. Your desire to benefit more from your talents is also going to increase to a new high and there is every chance that your fortunes can improve.