Mars storms back into Sagittarius and from the 17th to the 28th forges a really influential link to Saturn. Yet with Neptune continuing to cast a shadow over proceedings, solid knowledge and precision will be needed to make progress. A fab alliance in week three in Virgo, offers a great opportunity however. For your FREE Written Monthly Horoscope please see below…
Horoscopes August 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The most notable event this month I feel comes on the 3rd, when Mars your ruler, moves back into the expansive sign of Sagittarius. Furthermore, the New Moon of the 2nd is emphasising Saturn in the same go-getting area. Creativity, learning, travel and new experiences are all highlighted, but you also need to grapple with all fundamental details. {copytag:[735]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your ruler Venus moves into the most joyous part of your horoscope on the 6th, and is going to be broadly collaborating with Mercury, right through to the 29th. This gives you real encouragement to be more self expressive, but particularly within the family. Your home can also become a hive of activity. Your physical vitality will though improve from the 23rd.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Relationship matters are very strongly emphasised this month for you, especially once Saturn goes direct on the 13th and the Full Moon of the 18th, which points towards your essential need to be an individual within any collective or even close romantic tie. There may be some confusion at times, but I think by the 30th, life could take you in a surprise direction.{copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You can find yourself with an added ability to communicate effectively with others this month. However, it is vital that you remain conscious of your true motivations between the 5th and the 17th, when Neptune's influence can be deceptive or it could be someone close who proves rather evasive. A surprise job offer could come up around the 18th, so be prepared.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Whatever you instigate on the back of the New Moon of the 2nd, provided you really apply yourself and overcome any confusion around joint finances, there is every chance that you can see some benefits flow through it, particularly between the 25th and 29th of August. You may also see a relationship in an entirely new light from the time of the Full Moon of the 18th.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ruling planet Mercury remains in your sign all month. Also it's complemented by the silky vibes of Venus. This combination is going to boost your attraction power hugely. You can also find yourself making a very deep, even spiritual connection to someone new that could turn out to be long lasting. But your vibrancy and energy will really power forwards from the 23rd.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You can have an important discussion which can influence your long-term future around the New Moon of the 2nd. But relationships can prove to be more challenging as both Venus, your ruler and Mercury are opposed by the confusing energies of Neptune from the 5th, through to the 17th. Knowing where you stand is going to be vital to your peace of mind.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This month is likely to find you much more purposeful about your long-term future, and also about your ability to generate income. It's possible that you will find yourself collaborating with someone else, potentially in a business venture, or around some kind of creative enterprise. For this to really and truly work there has to be very clearly defined terms of reference.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a very constructive New Moon on the 2nd, with links to Saturn in your sign and Mars storming back into Sagittarius on the 3rd, things can really start to rocket forwards for you this month. Your ability to get on well with all sorts of people can also be crucial to your career. The trick however, is not letting any home or personal issues sap your overall willpower.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your ruler Saturn continues to tangle with the draining energies of Neptune. This began towards the end of May, and is going to continue until mid-October. This may continue to make you feel rather vulnerable, but equally it can help you to sort the wheat from the chaff around your deepest emotions. Someone truly insightful can prove to be a spirit guide this month.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A relationship can be reborn or revitalised from the 2nd, and you can show your leadership abilities by having the confidence to be different on the 18th. You may also connect with someone at a very deep level, particularly from the 25th to the 29th. The arrival of Venus in Libra on the 30th could also signal dialogue with someone at a distance – even overseas.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your relationship sector is particularly illuminated this month, and something really special can ensue, but particularly if you're interacting with someone who shares your values, and who you can truly and clearly relate with. Your professional aspirations are also much more positive, as long as you remain mindful of what the world expects, not how you'd like it to be.