Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes August 2024

It's a storming start to the month with a quite fantastic New Moon on the 4th, in Leo which angles to the fortune maker Jupiter adding to the feelgood factor peaking on the 9th. Both the North Node and Chiron feed into a sense of renewal. Mars and Jupiter also align from the 8th to the 20th culminating on the 14th. These two can add to the dynamism. Yet from the 5th, all this positivity can be tempered by Mercury's Retrograde and Venus gliding in to join Virgo, which she is in her fall. Ironically the two merge on the 8th, so any financial issues need to be carefully managed but there could be good news. With Saturn also applying his brake to Jupiter and Mars, patience will be a virture. The potential for confusion amps up so precision will be essential. Mercury inverts into Leo midmonth, yet there is a Cazimi on the 19th and the Full Moon can be very disruptive both clashing with Uranus. Tangles can start to unwind from the 22nd when the Sun moves into precise Virgo on the 22nd and Mercury goes Direct on the 28th. Venus brings the cosmic curtain down on the month in fabulous fashion on the 29th, returning home to Libra but angling to Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our life times. For your in-depth Monthly Horoscope Forecast for August for each sign, please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for August 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

It's a rip roaring start to the month for you Aries, with a wonderful opportunity to use the extra drive, vitality and sense of purpose the heavens give you, to make a mark. So set your intentions and go for it, particularly around the Leo New Moon of the 4th, which is blessed by the expansive vibe of Jupiter. Yet with Mercury Retrograde from the 5th to the 28th, it will be essential to get details right. A fantastic link between your ruler Mars and Jupiter on the 14th is a point in case, as stern Saturn provides a handbrake to them. Still, work on turning good ideas and positive potential into something more structured from the 22nd, and things can shape up well. A relationship conundrum or contract can have a positive outcome as the month ends.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your appreciation of security has been challenged in recent years by the more provocative energies of the restless reformer, Uranus, moving through your sign. But this August, you can find yourself keen to embrace the stability and continuity that are very much at the core of your being. And you can definitely make good progress around home and family strands. This isn't to say there can't be playful opportunities too, but any meet ups or dates may need to be held lightly as there can be last minute changes of plan. Also be aware of the people you're linking to, be it professionally or personally, and especially around values or money. As much as you might like to think the best of people, you do need to be realistic, especially midmonth and on the 27th, when the Full Moon could see you needing to make some fast decisions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The wonderful and rare alliance of the go-getting Mars, and the planet of fortune Jupiter, combining in your sign, exactly on the 14th, can see you with increased drive and determination. Still, you could encounter people in positions of influence, who don't quite get what you're trying to do or want to align your ideas into a structure, which could frustrate you. But if you have exciting strands on the go, don't hold back from going with them, just anticipate some resistance. Any changes you want to make on the home front do have the potential for snags, so try to take these in your stride, but things can fall into place as the cosmic curtain comes down on August, a time when a social or romantic spark can be very promising. And it may be somewhere familiar that you frequent where this connection occurs.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Past efforts, experience and contacts can all be pivotal this month. A financial matter is looking hopeful early on, but with Mercury slower or in Retrograde all month, attention to detail around any purchases, paperwork or transactions, will be essential. If you're travelling, and especially long distance, do plan things carefully and put contingencies into place. The Full Moon of the 19th could throw up an interesting possibility. This may require you to react to an opportunity quicker than you would like, and that could see you unsure what to do. None the less, better to have this option than not at all. Any log jams or delays can start to unravel as the month draws to a close, and there may be a happy family reunion too. If you'd like to move home, improve a current abode or secure a new mortgage, things look promising at the month's end.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The New Moon in your sign on the 4th, is a wonderful pep to you this year Leo, because it links so well to the planet of opportunity, growth and potential good fortune, Jupiter. Your ability to instigate things is really strong, and you can have a happy knack of also working collaboratively with others. A long term plan may need some adjustment from the 14th to the 19th, not because it isn't workable, but there may be some practicalities that you have to juggle, especially if you're needing financial input. A line manager or executive could throw you a curve ball on the 22nd's Full Moon, but if you're open to flex, this could be exciting. Everyday finances can require care though, but by the last week of August things can be flowing more sweetly. A meet-up towards the end of the month can feel fated and be important.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Mercury, your personal planet, starts the month preparing to station Retrograde which it does on the 5th. However, the lovely Venus arrives to provide you with extra support, and the two combine beautifully on the 8th of August. You may consider a makeover then. And even if one plan or project encounters some delays and ends up being revised, by the time the Sun joins you on the 22nd, you'll be able to see the sense of all this. This is definitely a month you can raise your profile, but ironically you can find yourself both ambitious but not quite finding the spark. Are you set to pay too much attention to those around you? However, your finances can look up once Venus moves to Libra on the 29th, and it may be a change of job role that provides the opportunity to achieve this.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your social skills can sparkle brightly at the start of the month. And yet ironically, you could find yourself becoming more selective about who you spend time with as August unfolds. If there have been any tensions, especially with people at work, these can become more obvious around the middle of the month. If you find yourself wanting to withdraw a little and think about your options, don't be hard on yourself. The theme really is the quality rather than the quantity of your friends. However, if a romantic tie has been bumping along the bottom, the Full Moon can be a pivotal moment. The arrival of your ruler Venus on the 29th will though prove very timely, restoring some confidence, and giving you the chance to reset and go again, but in a way you feel more in control of.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

No-one should ever underestimate you Scorpio, for once you're in, you can be very committed and accolades are possible in August. But equally, it can be a month when who, as much as what you know, will be important. That said, if you're aiming for a new role, raise your profile or start a new enterprise, there's a lot to like. But what about Mercury you may ask? Well, its Retrograde can be a time to rethink, reset and recalibrate, so don't see this as a reason not to power forwards. Because Saturn, the planet of limitation is in your sector of speculation, and clashes with the planet of enterprise, you're unlikely to chase pipe dreams, anyway. A social possibility can also call out to you, and you may hear from an old friend or contact.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You're a free spirit Archer, but the last sixteen months has been helping you to gain some deeper, more emotional insights, as Saturn has moved through you sector of feelings, home and family. However, this month as your wonderful ruler Jupiter, links so positively to the Sun, which peaks on the 7th, your natural exuberance is supercharged. For sure, your work and worldly sector may require some patience, and if it's this area where you're wanting to make some changes, just be aware that this may not be a straight line, because of Mercury's Retrograde for ten days in this sector. Your relationship interactions can start August brightly too, but there could be a bit of a tense point mid-month, and the Full Moon on the 19th and its link to Uranus, could prompt an important discussion, but also clear the air. Those career hopes pick up in the last week, and the social whirl too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Some big transformations can shape up this month Capricorn, perfect if you want to get fitter and bring into play a better diet, exercise regime or more ordered lifestyle. Also a great chance to squeeze more from your assets. You can be one of the canniest of Zodiac signs, and with Mercury Retrograde, use this as an opportunity to re-evaluate any area of your life that you want to bring change to. There could be a big decision to make on the 19th it's true, and you might find yourself drawn towards a big ticket item and be more impulsive. If you hope to travel anywhere, do treble check arrangements before heading off. A business meeting or interview can be very fortunate for you as August comes to a close.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You can find yourself a lot more outgoing and keen to mix and mingle at the start of the month. If there's someone on your cosmic radar, you could feel particularly excited as to what the prospects can be. Income and expenditure have required careful attention the last sixteen months, and there can be more of this over August, but also the chance to find new earning possibilities and your ability to think outside the box is strongly emphasised. Just best not to make decisions too rapidly. Check out the small print on a document around the 8th, and you could see something valuable. If a relationship is not in sync the way you'd like, the Full Moon in your sign on the 19th could see you want to resolve this once and for all. Knowing exactly where you stand is important to you, especially by the month's end.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Saturn has been a tremendous influence since he joined you in March 2023. He has asked you to strip down your activities and focus on the strands that are really essential. Although interacting with others can prove frustrating this month, with Mercury in rewind in your sector of relationships, take everything back to what you need at the core of your world, whether at home, domestically and practically or in terms of your emotional life. You can find things moving more easily from the 22nd, and if you've been waiting for news on a meeting or to hear back from a previous love interest, this will be when things speed up. A past investment, savings plan or legacy, can come back to you in a pleasing way as August comes to a close.