Horoscopes April 2019

Jupiter goes into Retrograde on the 10th, but also Saturn and Pluto are very closely together in Capricorn from the 5th. With the North Node in Cancer also in opposition to Saturn, finding a balance between worldly attainment and demands and inner protection is key. All this can see some seismic changes in our lives and the world at large. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes April 2019 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

April begins brightly, with your ruler Mars in an upbeat location from day one, and a New Moon in Aries on the 5th, and this combination can give you considerable drive. Yet ironically, with Jupiter starting to rewind from the 10th, and Saturn and Pluto in conjunction all month, your goals and ambitions need to be tempered by understanding that politics and some obstacles may present themselves. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You have a well-deserved reputation for enjoying and appreciating the good things in life Taurus. And with a really sociable dynamic between your ruler Venus and Mercury in the first half of this month, and also Mars emphasising a desire to improve your lot, there is plenty to go for. Your plans and energy will really accelerate from the time the Sun joins you on the 20th.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Mars is a planet which certainly packs a punch, and it begins this month in your zodiac sign. This is going to see you very single-minded, and with extra physical vitality. An array of energy in your sector of career, can see you make progress in this regard in the first half of the month. But from the 17th, your gaze will turn more towards your connections to others.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This month's influences provide a lot of food thought. Whilst the Sun until the 19th, and Mercury and Venus in the last third of April, urge you to raise your profile and to pursue your goals, the reactions of others and the relationships that you share with people, are probably going to be as important as any ambitions you possess. Try not to be deflected by others' viewpoints.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Mars moves into a very sociable location at the start of the month, and with the stars urging you to embrace new ideas and flexibility for the whole of April, it could be someone that you encounter rather accidentally, that can prove to be the biggest fillip of all. Creating the time to also nurture and pamper yourself will be important, especially at any moment of weariness or sensitivity.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Mercury your ruler and Venus, occupy a fine location as April unfolds, and this can give you the added sensitivity to tune into others and manage your personal relationships with a deft touch. In fact, if you're single, this could be an important, even fated month, when someone significant emerges. Confidence can be high, but the last week requires care to avoid a misunderstanding.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A spirit of adventure grips you this month Libra, and this can influence your situation in many facets of your life. Mars is the driving force behind this, but travel and greater physical activity can appeal most. Mind, Jupiter the planet which influences these areas, does go into a retrograde, so it will be important to double-check details. Romance however, looks promising from the 21st.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you can blend enterprise with application, there is so much to achieve this month. But with Jupiter retracing his steps from the 10th of April, financial affairs will need careful marshalling. This can also be a month when you carefully think about your ideas and belief systems. Relationships to siblings and neighbours can also go through a period of readjustment.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You can find yourself more assertive from the off, and this can give you a sense of empowerment, particularly when it comes to your creative or artistic expression and hopes. If there is someone you're drawn to, reaching out to them from the 17th, can start to see a positive exchange between you. Your everyday resources can though be transformed this month with real application Sagittarius.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in your sign is so very potent. This can see areas of your life which had been constant for some time, making way for new and fresher possibilities. This can be so exciting, and you have the inner resources to manage this. A philosophical or spiritual approach, or a wise person, can take on greater attraction or more importance from the10th.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There's a lot to like as this month begins Aquarius, and plenty of ways that you can use enterprise and your personality to improve your situation. There are possibly going to be some moments when you need to throttle back and grant yourself the opportunity to have some rest and reflection. Indeed, any outstanding strands which are yet to be resolved will need addressing.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Mercury and Venus in your sign until the 16th and the 20th respectively, your quick wits and charm can serve you well. However, your professional hopes may require a degree of patience. It's possible that you had particular ideal or direction of travel and this may need some revision or re-thinking. The pace of events will pick up from the 20th as the Sun enters Taurus.