Three of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Hurt, painful truth, separation, new beginnings, rejection, alienation, feeling let down.

Three of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Singletons might ask themselves if they are really ready for a new relationship, have your old hurts had time to heal properly yet? If they have, great; go out there and get dating, if not a little more time may be called for. Just because you have been emotionally let down in the past, it does not mean another amour will treat you the same way.

Partnerships may be entering a rocky road – is your relationship on the right route? Do you fear that your lover is losing interest? It may be you will have to go through the misery of a breakup, before you experience the joys of love. The Three of Swords tends to point to a separation, but before you get too down hearted remember this could simply mean one partner has to take a work/family related journey.

Reversed Meaning

Past hurts should be fading as long as you don't keep picking at them. You might not think it but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you have the strength to reach it. You must let go of the past and free yourself to enjoy your future.

Your partner could be particularly prickly at the moment and may be prone to throwing their dummy outside the pram if they don't get their way. Make sure you are being reasonable, but do not be pushed around either.


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